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Q: When solid particles meet liquid particles they can mix together to form a special mixture called a solution?
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What is a special mixture formed when a material dissolves in water?

A special mixture formed when a material dissolves in water is called a solution. In a solution, the material that dissolves is known as the solute, while water is the solvent. The solute particles are dispersed and evenly distributed throughout the solvent, resulting in a homogeneous mixture.

Is a solution a mixture?

a solution is a special mixture in which one substance dissolves into another.

Why is a solution classified as a mixture?

A solution contains a solvent and one or more solutes. It is classified as a mixture because when a substance is dissolved in another substance, the two substances are still the same substances, not having undergone any significant chemical change, they are just mixed together.

Is a solution defined as a special type of mixture?

Yes, a solution is one kind of mixture

What makes solution a special kind of mixture?

A solution is a special kind of mixture because it is formed when one or more substances (solutes) are evenly dispersed and distributed in another substance (solvent). Solutions have uniform composition, with solute particles being evenly mixed and not settling out over time. This results in solutions being transparent and not easily separated by filtration.

Is Dr. Pepper a mixture or solution?

No it is a special kind of mixture

What is a special type of mixture in which the particles of one material are scattered through another and block the passage of light without settling into layers?

A special type of mixture that fits this description is a colloid. In colloids, the particles are larger than in a solution but smaller than in a suspension, and they are evenly dispersed throughout the other substance. The particles do not settle out due to their small size and the constant movement caused by collisions with the surrounding particles.

How can you tell if a mixture is a solutions?

There are two types of mixtures:Homogeneous or solution; andHeterogeneousSolution is a special type of mixture which is uniform throughout for instance salt dissolved in water. So any mixture which is homogeneous in nature is a solution.Every solution is a mixture but every mixture is not a solution.

Could a mixture of salt and water be called a solution (explain)?

A solution is a special kind of mixture. So yes, a mixture of salt and water could be called a solution. All of the salt would need to dissolve, though ... if there's undissolved salt in there, it's not a solution.

What are immiscible substances?

Immiscible means incapable of mixing, but you'd (you might) have to ask further incase there is a special solution called 'immiscible solution' of which its inability to mix is only one aspect of it.

What is a special type of mixture in which the particles of one material is scattered through another and block the passage of light without settling into layers?


What are some solutions?

A solution is a special type of mixture only the solid or whatever dissolves into the solvent or whatever. Io a solution would be things like mercury and gold and honey I think!