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Efflux via active transport

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it is called diffusion

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Q: When sodium leaves a cell what is it called?
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How can the cell move sodium out of the cell?

Cells can move sodium out of the cell using a protein called the sodium-potassium pump. This pump actively transports sodium ions out of the cell while bringing potassium ions into the cell, maintaining the proper balance of ions inside and outside the cell. This process requires energy in the form of ATP.

What pumps in the cell membrane?

The sodium potassium pump is a form of active transport in which sodium and potassium end up switching places (one into the cell and one leaves the cell). The pump is located in the cell membrane.

Passages that permit a cell membrane to be permeable as needed are called?

Passages that permit a cell membrane to be permeable as needed are called ion channels. These channels allow ions such as sodium, potassium, and calcium to flow in and out of the cell, regulating the cell's electrical and chemical properties.

How does the sodium potassium pump help with your homeostasis?

The sodium-potassium pump helps maintain balance of ions inside and outside of cells, crucial for normal cell function. It prevents excessive buildup of sodium inside the cell and helps maintain proper cell volume, which is essential for overall body homeostasis.

What is the process called when sodium NA is pumped out of a nerve cell?

during action potentials, sodium and potassium cross the membrane of the synapse after the threshold of membrane potential is reached. There, sodium leaves the synapse and the membrane potential is now positive. this is known as depolarization. then during repolarization, the sodium channels close and the potassium channels open to stabilize the membrane potential. during this time, a second action potential cannot occur and this is an evolutionary advantage because it allows rest in the nerve cells and it allows the membrane potential to equalize.

Related questions

How can the cell move sodium out of the cell?

Cells can move sodium out of the cell using a protein called the sodium-potassium pump. This pump actively transports sodium ions out of the cell while bringing potassium ions into the cell, maintaining the proper balance of ions inside and outside the cell. This process requires energy in the form of ATP.

The outer covering of a cell that controls what enters and leaves is called the?

The outer covering of a cell that controls what enters and leaves is called the cell membrane. It acts as a barrier to regulate the passage of molecules and ions in and out of the cell.

The mechanism that prevents sodium ions from building up inside the cell is called what?

the sodium-potassium purmp

The tough outer support of a plant cell is the?

its called the Cuticle but that's on leaves not the plant its self

The mechanism that prevents sodium ions from building up inside the cell is called?

The sodium-potassium pump is the mechanism that prevents sodium ions from building up inside the cell. This pump actively transports sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell, maintaining the appropriate ion balance.

When sodium is pumped out of a nerve cell what is it called?

Efflux via active transport

What does the Na1 Ka1ATPase transport sodium and potassium into a cell sodium and potassium out of a cell sodium into cell potassium out of cell sodium out of cell potassium in ATP?

NaKATPase transports 3 K ions into the cell and takes only two Na ions out of it.

What is the green organelles called from elodea leaves?

they are called chloroplasts and they help to preform photosynthesis in the plant cell.

What gives the leaves their green color?

Cell parts called chloroplasts are present in the plant cell. Chloroplast contains a pigment known as chlorophyllwhich imparts green colour to the leaves.

What gives leaves their green colors?

Cell parts called chloroplasts are present in the plant cell. Chloroplast contains a pigment known as chlorophyllwhich imparts green colour to the leaves.

What gives the leaves the green color?

Cell parts called chloroplasts are present in the plant cell. Chloroplast contains a pigment known as chlorophyllwhich imparts green colour to the leaves.

What is the shrinking of plant cells called when water leaves so the cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall?
