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When a person gets hit by lightning, they are struck by the lightning bolt itself rather than the heat or electricity radiating from it. The current typically enters the body at the point where the lightning makes contact, such as the head or shoulders, and travels through the body to the ground.

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Q: When people get hit by lightning do they get hit by the lightning coming directly at them or not?
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Can God hit people with lightning?

There is no concrete evidence of a deity directly intervening to strike people with lightning. Lightning is a natural phenomenon caused by atmospheric conditions. It is not typically associated with divine punishment in modern interpretations.

Why do some people survive after being hit by lightning?

The injury caused by a lightning strike depends greatly on the amount of current that enters the body. A lightning strike is very high voltage, but it can be distributed over a very large area (as shown by the dendritic branching patterns). Unless one is hit directly by a return stroke, the current can be carried through the liquids of the skin to the ground without causing fatal damage. A lightning strike on a sports field can injure as many as a dozen players, and yet kill no one. Some people have been hit more than once by lightning, suffering skin burns (especially on the head, back, or heels) and occasionally nerve damage.

Why do some lightning strikes hit other clouds?

Lightning can strike other clouds when there is a difference in electrical charge between the clouds. This difference in charge can be caused by different weather conditions or air movements. When the difference in charge becomes large enough, a lightning bolt can form between the clouds.

Do trains get hit by lightning?

Yes, trains can get hit by lightning. However, trains are equipped with lightning protection systems, such as lightning rods and conductive materials, to help dissipate the electrical charge and prevent serious damage or injury to passengers and crew.

Does lighting hit something everytime it strikes?

Lightning does not hit something every time it strikes. There are various forms of lightning. Lightning that is classified as "cloud to ground" lightning will strike something in it's path. Another form of lightning is sheet lightning. This type of lighting illuminates the sky and spreads from cloud to cloud.

Related questions

What can lightning hit?

Anything and everything. Some people get hit by lighting.

Can God hit people with lightning?

There is no concrete evidence of a deity directly intervening to strike people with lightning. Lightning is a natural phenomenon caused by atmospheric conditions. It is not typically associated with divine punishment in modern interpretations.

How does lightning affect people?

Lightning can affect people in many ways, such as losing friends, family, houses, furniture etc. Lightning kills many people every year around the world and 74% of people that get hit by lightning have permanent damage for the rest of their life.

Why do people get hit by lightning?

either they or standing by a tree or they are just stupid

Can a jet be hit by lightning?

Yes planes are frequently hit by lightning.

Why do people survive after being hit by lightning?

The injury caused by a lightning strike depends greatly on the amount of current that enters the body. A lightning strike is very high voltage, but it can be distributed over a very large area (as shown by the dendritic branching patterns). Unless one is hit directly by a return stroke, the current can be carried through the liquids of the skin to the ground without causing fatal damage. A lightning strike on a sports field can injure as many as a dozen players, and yet kill no one. Some people have been hit more than once by lightning, suffering skin burns (especially on the head, back, or heels) and occasionally nerve damage.

Why do some people survived after hit by lightning?

The injury caused by a lightning strike depends greatly on the amount of current that enters the body. A lightning strike is very high voltage, but it can be distributed over a very large area (as shown by the dendritic branching patterns). Unless one is hit directly by a return stroke, the current can be carried through the liquids of the skin to the ground without causing fatal damage. A lightning strike on a sports field can injure as many as a dozen players, and yet kill no one. Some people have been hit more than once by lightning, suffering skin burns (especially on the head, back, or heels) and occasionally nerve damage.

Why do some people survive after being hit by lightning?

The injury caused by a lightning strike depends greatly on the amount of current that enters the body. A lightning strike is very high voltage, but it can be distributed over a very large area (as shown by the dendritic branching patterns). Unless one is hit directly by a return stroke, the current can be carried through the liquids of the skin to the ground without causing fatal damage. A lightning strike on a sports field can injure as many as a dozen players, and yet kill no one. Some people have been hit more than once by lightning, suffering skin burns (especially on the head, back, or heels) and occasionally nerve damage.

Has lightning hit a human?

Yes, lightning strikes can hit humans, but this is rare. When a person is struck by lightning, it can cause severe injuries such as cardiac arrest, burns, and neurological damage. It is important to take precautions when outdoors during storms to reduce the risk of being struck by lightning.

Do dogs sense lightning?

The sun during an eclipse is no more dangerous than during a normal day. Difference is people want to LOOK at an eclipse, but do not want to stare directly at a normal sun.Dogs have better sense than people, and do not try to stare at the sun, eclipsed or not.

How many people are struck by lightning in Australia every year?

On average, there are about 100-200 lightning strikes incidents in Australia each year. Out of those incidents, a small number of people are actually struck by lightning.

Why do some lightning strikes hit other clouds?

Lightning can strike other clouds when there is a difference in electrical charge between the clouds. This difference in charge can be caused by different weather conditions or air movements. When the difference in charge becomes large enough, a lightning bolt can form between the clouds.