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The chemical equation is:
C2H5OH + O2 = 2 CO2 + 3 H2O

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Q: When organic compounds are burned they react with oxygen to form CO2 and H2O. Write balanced equations for C2H6O?
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What does the burning of organic compounds do?

All organic compounds can be burned.

What organic compounds are produced when materials containing carbon and hydrogen are burned?

When materials containing carbon and hydrogen are burned, organic compounds such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are produced. Additionally, depending on the material being burned, other organic compounds like carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) may also be produced.

What chemicals react when a candle burns?

The candle burn is an oxydation reaction; organic compounds are burned with oxygen.

Why does coal smell so bad?

Coal contains sulfur compounds that produce a foul odor when burned. These sulfur compounds are released as sulfur dioxide when coal is burned, contributing to air pollution and causing the characteristic smell associated with coal combustion. Additionally, impurities in coal such as volatile organic compounds can also contribute to the unpleasant smell when coal is burned.

What is the term for the chemical change that occurs to wood when it is burned?

It is the oxidation of the elements of the chemicals that make up the wood - which are various organic compounds. These are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, water vapour and oxides of other elements and compounds.

What poisonous gas can be formed from sulphur compounds when petrol is burned?

sulphur dioxide is formed from sulphur compounds when petrol is burned

What compound burns with a black flame?

Carbon-containing compounds, such as hydrocarbons or organic materials like paper, can produce a black flame when burned due to the incomplete combustion process generating soot particles that emit black smoke and flame.

Is coal made up of chemicals?

Yes, coal is primarily composed of organic compounds such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It also contains varying amounts of other elements such as sulfur, nitrogen, and minerals. When coal is burned, these compounds are released as gases or other byproducts.

Organic matter that can be burned to release energy is called?


Why does coal have energy in it?

Coal contains energy because it is made up of carbon-rich organic compounds that were formed millions of years ago from decaying plant matter. Through a process called carbonization, the energy stored in these organic compounds is trapped within the coal as chemical energy. When the coal is burned, this chemical energy is released as heat and can be harnessed for various applications such as generating electricity or heating.

What is ethanol burned in air balanced equation?

The balanced equation for ethanol (C2H5OH) burned in air is: C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O. This equation shows that ethanol reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

When burned sulfur nitrogen and carbon form what kind of compounds?
