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fat is broken down into fatty acids

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Q: When needed for a source of energy fatty acids are broken down in glucose?
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What nutrient is the preferred energy source for the body?

Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for the body, as they are broken down into glucose which is readily used by cells for energy production.

Seeds can store glucose in the form of?

Seeds can store glucose in the form of starch, which serves as a source of energy for the germinating seedling. Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of a long chain of glucose molecules that can be broken down into glucose when needed for energy.

How does the source of energy for photosynthesis nd respiration differ?

The source of energy for photosynthesis is sunlight, which is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose. In contrast, the source of energy for cellular respiration is glucose, which is broken down to release chemical energy in the form of ATP.

What form do Vertebrates store energy?

Vertebrates store energy in the form of glycogen in their muscles and liver. Glycogen can be broken down into glucose to provide a quick source of energy when needed.

How does bacteria store energy?

Bacteria store energy in the form of glycogen, which is a polysaccharide made up of glucose molecules. Glycogen serves as a reserve energy source that can be quickly broken down to provide energy for the bacterium when needed.

What types of molecules are most often broken down by cells for energy?

Cells most often break down glucose molecules for energy through the process of cellular respiration. Fatty acids and amino acids can also be broken down for energy, but glucose is the preferred energy source for most cells.

Why need do cell glucose?

Cells need glucose as a source of energy to carry out their various functions. Glucose is broken down through cellular respiration to produce ATP, which is the energy currency of the cell. Without glucose, cells would not be able to generate the energy needed to survive and perform essential activities.

What molecule do mammals use to store extra glucose in their muscles?

Mammals store extra glucose as glycogen in their muscles. Glycogen is a polysaccharide that serves as a readily available energy source that can be quickly broken down into glucose when needed for energy.

Why we get instant energy from glucose?

Glucose is easily broken down in the body to release immediate energy through the process of glycolysis. This process converts glucose into ATP, the body's main energy source. The body can quickly access and utilize glucose to provide a rapid source of energy for various physiological functions.

What is food energy needed for?

Food is necessary for survival because the food contains glucose, and glucose is the only source of energy for living organisms.

Is glucose broken down fast or slow?

Glucose is broken down relatively fast in the body to provide a quick source of energy. Once it enters the bloodstream, insulin helps facilitate the uptake of glucose by cells for energy production or storage.

What form do animals store Glucose-containing fragments?

Animals store glucose-containing fragments in the form of glycogen, a complex carbohydrate. Glycogen is synthesized and stored mainly in the liver and muscles and serves as a readily available energy source that can be broken down to release glucose when needed for energy.