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Q: When more than one pair of genes control a trait it is considered?
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What is it called when three or more contrasting genes control a trait?

When three or more contrasting genes control a trait, it is called polygenic inheritance. This type of inheritance involves multiple genes interacting to influence a single trait, resulting in a continuous distribution of phenotypes in a population.

The two or more related genes that control a trait are known as?


How many genes determine an inherited trait?

An inherited trait is typically determined by multiple genes working together. The exact number of genes involved can vary depending on the trait. In many cases, dozens to hundreds of genes may contribute to a single inherited trait.

What type two or more genes control a trait?

Polygenic inheritance is when two or more genes interact to control a trait. Each gene contributes to the phenotype in an additive manner, resulting in a continuous range of variations for the trait. Examples include human height and skin color.

Can a single gene control a single trait.?

It was once believed that one gene controls one trait, so it is possible. Currently, the belief is that one gene can interact with other genes to control a trait, and that one gene can control more than one trait.

A characteristic controlled by one or more genes is called a?


What controls a polygenic trait?

two or more genes

What are the characteristics of polygenic traits?

Polygenic traits are determined by the interaction of multiple genes, each contributing a small effect towards the phenotype. They often display a continuous range of phenotypes rather than distinct categories. Polygenic traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

What is polygeny?

Inheritance in which more than one gene pair affects the appearance of a particular trait. Polygenetic inheritance refers to the non-Mendelian form of inheritance in which a particular trait is produced by the interaction of many genes.

Can a single gene control a single trait?

It was once believed that one gene controls one trait, so it is possible. Currently, the belief is that one gene can interact with other genes to control a trait, and that one gene can control more than one trait.

What does human height mean when it comes to polygenic trait?

Trait is controlled by more than one pair of genes.

Is worried a character trait?

It can be... but tends to be more of a habit. Worry is a form of trying to control the "outcome" of a situation. We cannot control life. Plain an simple.