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Q: When mestrual flow does takes place?
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What is the difference between flow process and non flow process?

Flow process takes place in open system & non-flow process takes place in closed system.

What is the rush of hot ash and gasses that takes place in a volcano called?

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How long is the mestrual cycle?

Around 7 days

What is mestrual period?

A menstrual period is when the uterus lining sheds as a result of a cycle without pregnancy occurring. Menstrual flow is made up of the uterine tissue, blood, cervical mucus, and discharge.

Where does reputation take place?

Cellular respiration is a cycle of matter and a flow of energy. It takes place just outside and inside the cell's mitochondria.

What days will conception likely occur in the mestrual cycle?

When your ovulating.

Where does cellular reputation take place?

Cellular respiration is a cycle of matter and a flow of energy. It takes place just outside and inside the cell's mitochondria.

Do rats bleed when in heat?

no rats have an estrous cycle, not a mestrual cycle.

Why can liquids flow from place to place?

Liquids can flow from place to place because liquids have no definite shape. Instead, a liquid takes the shape of its container. Without a container, liquid spreads into a wide shallow puddle.

What is the mean of separation in reciprocating pump?

If the pressure in the cylinder is below the vapour pressure , dissolved gasses will be liberated from the liquid and cavitations will takes place . The continuous flow of liquid will not exit which means separation of liquid takes place. The pressure at which separation takes place is called separation pressure and head corresponding to the separation pressure is called separation pressure head.

Grain flow in forging?

When metal under goes mechanical working (forging) and deformation takes place, the grains in the metal get aligned in the direction of material flow. When you cut and polish the forging in the direction of material flow and macro etch, the surface will reveal fibre like structure. This is known as grain flow.

How long is the average mestrual cycle?

Around 7 days