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When light is transmitted, it can be refracted, polarized, or absorbed depending on the medium it is passing through. Refraction occurs when light changes speed as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction. Polarization refers to the orientation of the light waves in relation to the direction of propagation.

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Q: When light is transmitted it can be refracted polarized or?
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What is Malus' law?

Malus' law describes how the intensity of polarized light changes when it passes through a polarizer. It states that the intensity of light transmitted through a polarizer is equal to the intensity of the incident light times the square of the cosine of the angle between the polarizer's transmission axis and the polarized light.

Do all light bulbs produce polarized light?

No, not all light bulbs produce polarized light. The polarization of light depends on the source of light and its characteristics. LED and fluorescent light bulbs can produce polarized light, while incandescent bulbs generally do not produce polarized light.

How can you obtain circularly polarized light from linearly polarized light?

Circularly polarized light can be obtained from linearly polarized light by passing it through a quarter-wave plate. This plate delays one of the orthogonal components of the linearly polarized light by a quarter of a wavelength, leading to a phase shift that results in circular polarization.

What is the Difference between polarized light and ordinary light?

unpolarized light = light waves vibrate in more than one plane Polarized light = vibrations of light waves occur in a single plane.

Explain how polarized light is different from non-polarized light.?

In polarized light, the plane of the electrical (and magnetic) oscillations is the same for all photons (particles of light). For example, if the light is traveling away from you, all photons might have electrical oscillations that go up and down.

Related questions

What will happen to light that are not absorb?

Light that is not absorbed is either reflected, refracted, or transmitted.

Is light that gets reflected off a watch a rainbow?

Any light that is refracted forms a rainbow. Based on how the watch is shaped, light may be refracted when transmitted through the display glass of the wristwatch, reflect off of something underneath the screen, and then be refracted as it is transmitted back out of the watch.

When unpolarized light is incident at a grazing angle upon water what can you say about the reflected light?

The reflected light will be partially polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. This is due to the Brewster's angle effect, where light polarized in the plane of incidence is fully transmitted into the water, leaving the reflected light to be partially polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

When light goes through a glass window the light is primarily?

When light goes through a glass window, it is primarily transmitted, refracted, and reflected. Glass allows most of the light to pass through (transmitted), while some of the light can be bent (refracted) as it enters and exits the glass. Additionally, a small portion of the light can be reflected off the surface of the glass.

When light passes from water to air the light rays are what?

If you are referring to a situation in which light is reflected from water back into the air, then the light rays are "polarized." All light rays travel in straight lines, but polarized light is light that enters a medium from many directions, but are exited (reflected or refracted or merely cut out, like in sunglasses) in one direction.

How does light behave when it interacts with mater?

When light strikes matter, it may be transmitted or absorbed. In addition,it may be reflected, refracted, scattered, and/or diffracted,

What does light behave when it interacts with matter?

Light can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or refracted when it interacts with matter. The specific behavior depends on the properties of the material and the wavelength of light.

What are three matters light interacts with?

three diffrent ways liht interacts with matter is absorbed, reflected, transmitted and refracted. =)

How do you explain how light can be reflected refracted transmitted or absorbed?

Light can be reflected when it bounces off a surface, refracted when it changes direction while passing through a different medium, transmitted when it passes through a material without being absorbed, and absorbed when its energy is taken in by a material, converting it into other forms of energy such as heat.

What is Malus' law?

Malus' law describes how the intensity of polarized light changes when it passes through a polarizer. It states that the intensity of light transmitted through a polarizer is equal to the intensity of the incident light times the square of the cosine of the angle between the polarizer's transmission axis and the polarized light.

Light that has passed through a polarizing filter is called?

polarized light

What 4 things happen to light when it hits an object?

it can be transmitted, reflected, refracted or diffused. In most cases, some combination of these occurs.