A structure is considered unstable when it is unable to support loads or forces acting upon it, leading to potential collapse or failure. This can occur due to factors such as design flaws, material defects, or excessive external forces. Regular structural assessments and maintenance are important to prevent instability.
Butanol is a form of alcohol. It is formed from a structure made of 4 carbon molecules. The result is unstable enough to be very flammable. It is also water soluble.
unstable and eventually transform into a stable form. This process is known as radioactive decay and can result in the mineral changing its chemical composition or structure.
Unstable isotopes are radioactive isotopes, can disintegrate and emit radiations.
A transition state is described as an unstable, short-lived structure resulting from the effective collision of particles during a chemical reaction. It represents the highest energy state along the reaction pathway and is where old bonds break and new bonds form. The transition state determines the rate of the reaction and influences its overall mechanism.
Organizational structure best suited for a custom made product should be vertical and mass product and unstable will be horizontal
an unstable structure formed during the process of reactiom and is later converted to products
The atoms structure is unstable and it emits alpha or beta particles that changes the Atom
this is incorrect. / it is wrong
It depends on which market ... say if you were dealing with produce and linguistic the structure would be unstable as apposed to a market dealing with land and building proposals.
Butanol is a form of alcohol. It is formed from a structure made of 4 carbon molecules. The result is unstable enough to be very flammable. It is also water soluble.
unstable and eventually transform into a stable form. This process is known as radioactive decay and can result in the mineral changing its chemical composition or structure.
The balanced structure was so unstable that it could collapse at any moment.
If water goes under a required level a vacuum can form underneath the lining which makes the whole structure unstable.
A copper atom can become unstable if it loses or gains electrons, leading to the formation of ions. Additionally, changes in its nuclear structure, such as gaining or losing protons, can also lead to instability. Physical factors, such as exposure to high-energy radiation, can also disrupt the stability of a copper atom.