EST (Eastern Standard Time) is five hours behind GMT (Greenwich [England] Mean Time). EST = GMT - 5. 11:59 PM (2359) GMT is 6:59 PM (1859) EST.
During the warm months (2nd Sunday in March thru 1st Sunday in November), Eastern Daylight Saving Time is in effect in some parts of the Eastern time zone, including the Bahamas, Haiti, the Turks & Caicos Islands, part of the United States and part of Canada. EDT = EST + 1, or GMT - 4. 11:59 PM GMT is 7:59 PM EDT. Panama, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and parts of Canada stay on Eastern Standard Time all year.
Check the link for a time zone map.
11:59 PM CST = 12:59 AM EST11:59 PM CDT = 11:59 PM ESTExample: During the summer, the time is the same in Chicago (CDT) and Jamaica (EST).
7 PM GMT is 3 PM Eastern Standard Time. 4 AM GMT is 11 PM Eastern Standard Time.
1:30 PM EST is 6:30 PM GMT. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.
If it is 2pm EST, then it would be 7pm GMT. GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST.
At 11:59:59 PM EST, the time in Nepal is 10:44:59 AM NPT. (EST = UTC-5; NPT = UTC+5:45)
11:59 PM CST = 12:59 AM EST11:59 PM CDT = 11:59 PM ESTExample: During the summer, the time is the same in Chicago (CDT) and Jamaica (EST).
The U.K. is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time. So, 11:59 AM Pacific Time is 7:59 PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, the time zone that the UK is on), and 11:59 PM Pacific Time is 7:59 AM GMT.
7 PM GMT is 3 PM Eastern Standard Time. 4 AM GMT is 11 PM Eastern Standard Time.
1:30 PM EST is 6:30 PM GMT. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.
If it is 2pm EST, then it would be 7pm GMT. GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST.
At 11:59:59 PM EST, the time in Nepal is 10:44:59 AM NPT. (EST = UTC-5; NPT = UTC+5:45)
1 am GMT is 8 pm EST. There is a 5-hour difference between GMT and EST time zones.
it is 3 zm in EST
11:30 American EST = 16:30 GMT 11:30 American EDT = 15:30 GMT 11:30 Australian EST = 01:30 GMT 11:30 Australian EDT = 00:30 GMT
At 9:30 AM EST it's 2:30 PM GMT.
14:00 EST is 19:00 GMT. The Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).