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The products are carbon dioxide and water.

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Q: When hydrocarbon burns in a lot of oxygen what are its products?
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Is Silk A Hydrocarbon?

No, silk is not a hydrocarbon. Silk is a natural protein fiber produced by certain insects, such as silkworms. Hydrocarbons are compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms only.

How does the law of conservation of mass apply when wax appears to disappear as a burns?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged. When wax burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. The mass of the wax is conserved in the products of the reaction, even though it may appear to disappear as it is converted to gas and ash.

How much oxygen is in the universe?

Oxygen makes up about 0.1% of the observable universe by mass. It is predominantly found in stars and planets, including in the Earth's atmosphere and the bodies of living organisms.

When calcium burns the product is?

When calcium burns, the product formed is calcium oxide (CaO), also known as quicklime. This reaction typically produces a bright white light and a lot of heat energy.

The products in cellular respiration are?

The balanced equation isC₆Hâ‚â‚‚O₆ + 6Oâ‚‚ → 6COâ‚‚ + 6Hâ‚‚O + energyThe equation expressed in words would be as noted below...glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy.the products in cellular respiration in the chemical equation are :carbon Dioxide , water and lots of heat in the form of energy.

Related questions

Is wax a compound which contains a lot of oxygen?

No, wax is not a compound that contains a lot of oxygen. It is primarily composed of hydrocarbons, which are compounds made up of only hydrogen and carbon atoms.

What is oxygen theory of burning?

When a material burns it is combining with oxygen in the air. This is an energetic chemical reaction which generates a lot of heat, which is why we see flames (which are composed of super heated gas).

Is Silk A Hydrocarbon?

No, silk is not a hydrocarbon. Silk is a natural protein fiber produced by certain insects, such as silkworms. Hydrocarbons are compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms only.

How does the law of conservation of mass apply when wax appears to disappear as a burns?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged. When wax burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. The mass of the wax is conserved in the products of the reaction, even though it may appear to disappear as it is converted to gas and ash.

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Some of the American products that sales a lot in Brazil include Apple products

Does snorting Ambien burn your nose?

Yes snorting ambien burns a lot but it is readily absorbed and you can trip a lot harder. Kicks in in 2 minutes, burns for like 10 seconds.

Is it safe to burn hemlock in a wood stove?

Burns quick, burns out quick, lot of creosote. Clean your chimney OFTEN.

Why dancing is a favourite hobby?

Because it's fun...and you may or may not sweat a lot...and it burns a lot of calories :/

How much oxygen is in the universe?

Oxygen makes up about 0.1% of the observable universe by mass. It is predominantly found in stars and planets, including in the Earth's atmosphere and the bodies of living organisms.

What do people get hungry after swimming in an olympic pool?

Swimming burns a lot of energy.

Does the sun harm you?

You need a little. A lot burns you, and the UV damages your skin.

When i pee it burns bad and it deosn't have a lot of pressure what could that be?

maybe you have a UTI.