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Q: When food is displayed an ice what is the temperature it needs to be?
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What were the needs during the ice age?

They were the same needs as today; food, shelter, water, and of course... warmth.

What causes ice to form on food in deep freeze to cold or to warm?

Ice forms on food in the deep freeze when water vapor in the air comes into contact with the cold surface of the food and freezes. Temperature fluctuations can also contribute to ice formation as the food warms up and then refreezes when the temperature drops again.

What causes salt to melt water?

Salt lowers the freezing temperature of water/ice therefore the water/ice needs to be colder then usual to freeze.

Why food needs to be kept at specified temperatures?

Because if you don't your food will become spoiled and think about this if you put ice cream in the re fridge you ice cream would melt.

How does ice melting keep food cold in a cooler?

Melting ice stays at the same temperature until it is all melted to water.

Do you put jelly in refrigerator to make it set?

No-- it needs the lower temperature to coagulate. Maybe if you set the bowl in an ice chest with ice.

What is the temperature of ice water and surrounding air while the ice is melting?

The temperature of ice water while the ice is melting is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) because the ice-water mixture remains at the melting point until all the ice has melted. The surrounding air temperature may vary but generally needs to be above 0 degrees Celsius for the ice to melt.

What is the only food that melts at body temperature?

this question is wrong i know plaenty of foods that melt at body temeprature besides chocolatte, like... ICE... and... um... more ice... OH! CARMEL! The lack of grammar, puntuation and poor spelling goes to prove that this person does not have the full capacity of brain power. Ice is not a food. Caramel does not melt at body temperature.

What temperature is patient's food supposed to be?

That depends on whether you're talking about ice cream or hot chocolate.

At around what temperature will a cooler full of ice keep food?

About 34-36 degrees is a good guess.

Why do you use ice cubes?

Ice cubes are commonly used to chill drinks, control the temperature of food, or to reduce swelling on injuries. The cold temperature of ice cubes helps to maintain the freshness and quality of certain foods and beverages.

How do you calibrate an unmarked thermometer?

To calibrate an unmarked thermometer, you can place it in a known temperature source, such as an ice bath or boiling water, and compare the reading to the actual temperature at that point. Adjust the thermometer accordingly by using a small wrench to rotate the calibration nut until the correct temperature is displayed.