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Q: When examining cells in the laboratory you notice that a particular cell has half as much DNA as the surrounding cells. This observation can be explained if this cell's cell cycle halted at checkpoint?
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What is the definition of a initial observation?

An initial observation refers to the first assessment or recording of data related to a particular situation or phenomenon. It serves as a baseline for further analysis and comparison as additional information is gathered or changes occur.

What is the definition of direct observation?

Direct observation involves physically watching and recording behavior or activities as they occur in real-time, without interference or manipulation from the observer. It is a method commonly used in research and assessments to gather objective data on behaviors, interactions, or events.

What is mean by observation?

Observation refers to the act of carefully watching or monitoring something to gather information or data. It involves using the senses to perceive and note details about a particular phenomenon, behavior, or event. Observations are often a key part of the scientific method and are used to better understand the world around us.

What is change observation?

Change observation refers to the act of actively monitoring and documenting the changes or modifications that occur in a particular situation or phenomenon. This can involve observing and recording any variations in behavior, processes, products, or other relevant aspects over a specific period of time. Change observation is commonly used in research, monitoring and evaluation, and organizational development to understand how things change and evolve.

What happens if a hypothesis does not explain an observation?

If a hypothesis does not explain an observation, it may be rejected as a valid explanation for that particular phenomenon. Scientists typically revise or discard hypotheses that fail to account for observed data in order to develop more accurate models and theories. This iterative process helps refine our understanding of the natural world.

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What is laboratory technician?

laboratory technician is , a person managing particular laboratory or organization.. that means maintaining particular place....

What is the definition of direct-observation?

Is the observation without a particular and pre-existing idea about what is observed.

What is the definition of a initial observation?

An initial observation refers to the first assessment or recording of data related to a particular situation or phenomenon. It serves as a baseline for further analysis and comparison as additional information is gathered or changes occur.

What is ambiance?

Ambiance is a particular mood or atmosphere of an environment or surrounding influence.

Is there a way to tell by casual observation if a car comes from a particular state?

check the license plate??

What are 'surrounding areas'?

Surrounding areas are places that are near the particular place in question, but not part of that place. For example, the suburbs of a major city are not part of the city itself, but they are part of its "surrounding areas."

Why is an independent laboratory and why would its results be considered more reliable than the results from a laboratory paid by a company selling a particular product?

An independent laboratory is thought to give an unbiased result were as the laboratory is full of people so you can know if every one has got similar results.

What is an independent laboratory and why would its results be considered more reliable than the results from a laboratory paid by a company selling a particular product?

An independent laboratory is thought to give an unbiased result were as the laboratory is full of people so you can know if every one has got similar results.

What is an independent laboratory and why would it results be considered more reliable than the results from a laboratory paid by a company selling a particular product?

An independent laboratory is thought to give an unbiased result were as the laboratory is full of people so you can know if every one has got similar results.

What does a small absolute deviation tell you about a data set?

It means that particular observation is close to the population [or sample] mean.

What jobs are included in laboratory jobs?

There are many jobs in the laboratory. A few include: research, biotechnology, and sample testing. For a more complete list you should perform a search. For a particular position look here:

What is a record of weather data for a particular site at a particular time called?

A record of weather data for a particular site at a particular time is called a weather observation or weather report.