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Q: When elements bond they are trying to achieve Electrons in the last level?
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Elements with five or more electrons in the outer energy level?

Elements with five or more electrons in the outer energy level are typically classified as nonmetals. These elements tend to gain electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration. Examples include nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine.

Why do elements form ionic and or covalent bonds?

Elements form ionic bonds when they transfer electrons to achieve a stable octet in their outermost energy level. Covalent bonds are formed when elements share electrons to achieve a complete outer energy level. The type of bond formed depends on the electronegativity difference between the atoms involved.

What elements don't have 8 electrons?

Elements with atomic numbers higher than 10 generally do not have 8 electrons in their outermost energy level. These elements tend to follow the octet rule, where they aim to have 8 electrons in their outer shell to achieve stability. Exceptions include elements such as transition metals that can have variable oxidation states.

When elements gain three electrons to fill its valence energy level?

When these elements have five electrons on the outermost shell of electrons.

What group of elements on the periodic table give electrons?

Group I (alkali metals) and Group II (alkaline earth metals) elements on the periodic table are more likely to give away electrons to form positive ions. These elements have one or two electrons in their outermost energy level, making it easier for them to lose these electrons and achieve a stable electron configuration.

What shows an element's combining ability?

An element's combining ability is determined by its valence electrons, which are the electrons in the outermost energy level. Elements with few valence electrons tend to lose or share electrons in chemical reactions, while elements with many valence electrons tend to gain or share electrons. This behavior allows elements to form chemical bonds and combine with other elements to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

How many electrons can group IVA accept or lose?

Group IVA elements can typically accept or lose 4 electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This is because they have 4 valence electrons in their outer energy level.

How many electrons occur in the valence level of Group 7A and 7B elements. Why are they different?

Group 7A elements have 7 electrons in their valence level, while Group 7B elements have 17 electrons in their valence level. This difference occurs because elements in Group 7A have 7 valence electrons, while elements in Group 7B have 7 valence electrons plus the 10 additional electrons in the d sublevel which contributes to a total of 17 valence electrons.

Elements with one to two electrons in the outer energy level?

Elements with one to two electrons in the outer energy level are typically the alkali metals (group 1) and alkaline earth metals (group 2) on the periodic table. These elements are highly reactive due to their tendency to lose these outer electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. Examples include lithium, sodium, and beryllium.

What atoms need only 2 valence electrons to have a filled outer energy level?

There are two elements which can have a filled outer electron shell with only two electrons, those being the first two elements on the periodic table: hydrogen and helium. Their outer shell is the frist shell, principal quantum number 1. Also note that Hydrogen can also achieve a stable electron configuration with no electrons, in which case it consists of a single, naked proton.

Can some elements have the same number of electrons in their outermost level?

Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons.

If the first energy level is complete with two electrons then what has two elements?

If the first energy level is complete with two electrons, then the elements hydrogen and helium have two elements in their electron configuration. Hydrogen has one electron in its first energy level, while helium has two electrons filling its first energy level.