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Q: When does the activation of a motor neuron occur in a stretch flex?
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Where does synapses occur in the spinal cord?

Cell body of sensory neuron - in dorsal root ganglion. Cell body of motor neuron - in anterior gray horn.

How does reflex occur?

This is what happens:a receptor detects a stimulus (change in the environment)a sensory neuron sends a signal to the relay neuronthe relay neuron sends the signal to the motor neuronthe motor neuron sends a signal to the affected partthe affected part produces a response

How do sensory neurons function?

sensory neuron har two part one is connect receptor which take al body sensory information and than neuron aftr that tract and finaly brain in relatd centr aftr that motor reaction occur this reaction occur in apathway.

How many synapses occur in this reflex arc?

In a simple reflex arc, there are typically three neurons and two synapses. The sensory neuron carries the signal from the receptor to the central nervous system, where it synapses with the interneuron. The interneuron then synapses with the motor neuron, which carries the signal to the effector organ to produce a response.

Neurons that serve as links between the sensory neuron and the motor neurons?

interneurons also known as: ASSOCIATION NEURONS

How does activation energy affect the progress affect the progress of a reaction?

The reaction will not occur unless the activation energy is met.

Do you have any special medicine for motor neuron disease?

Motor neurone diseases occur when parts of the nervous system become damaged beyond repair. Unfortunately, there is not a cure for motor neurone disease, however there are medicines that doctors can give to help with symptoms.

What is activation enery?

Activation energy is the amount of energy that a chemical reaction requires to occur.

How does muscle weakness affect patient motor neuron diseases with?

Muscle weakness is a common symptom in motor neuron diseases due to the degeneration of motor neurons that control muscle movement. This weakness can lead to difficulty with voluntary muscle control, coordination, and mobility. As the disease progresses, patients may experience increasing disability and loss of motor function.

How does activation energy effect the progress of a reaction?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. A lower activation energy means that more molecules have enough energy to react, leading to a faster reaction rate. Conversely, a higher activation energy requires more energy input and can slow down the reaction rate.

What is a ipsilateral reflex arc?

An ipsilateral reflex arc refers to a neural pathway where sensory input and motor output occur on the same side of the body. For example, in a knee-jerk reflex, the sensory neuron detects a stimulus and the motor neuron causes a response, both on the same side.

Does activation energy depend on collision frequency?

No, activation energy is a fixed value for a specific reaction and does not depend on collision frequency. Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur, while collision frequency relates to the number of collisions that occur in a given time period.