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If two stars begin to orbit. However, novae are more common that supernovae, so you can't really say if the result of a binary will be a nova or a supernova.

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A supernova occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its life cycle and undergoes a catastrophic explosion. This explosion can outshine an entire galaxy for a brief period of time before fading away.

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Why doesn't a supernova occur on earth?

A supernova can't occur on any planet. A supernova occurs when a very large star, at least 8 times more massive than the sun dies.

Can a planet go supernova?

No, only large stars go supernova when nuclear fusion breaks down. While white dwarfs can go supernova in some instances, brown dwarfs are failed stars which are not powered by nuclear fusion.

What can occur after a high mass star explodes?

A supernova resulting in either a neutron star, or a black hole.

Why did the supernova 1987A actually occur in 1977?

It didn't. It occurred approximately 168,000 years before 1987.

When does a supernova occur?

Well, a star must die eventually! Everything in the universe will be destroyed, or will just die. No matter what.

How many light years away does a Supernova have to be to destroy Earth?

For a supernova to directly destroy Earth, it would need to be less than 10 light years away. However, even if a supernova were to occur farther away, its effects on Earth's atmosphere and climate could still be substantial.

How many solar masses does a star have to have before a supernova is produced?

A star must have at least 8 times the mass of the Sun in order to undergo a supernova explosion at the end of its life cycle. This is because stars need to have enough mass to generate the tremendous pressure and temperature required for a supernova to occur.

Which star has the greatest probabilty of producing a supernova explosion?

Massive stars, particularly those with at least 8 times the mass of our sun, have the highest probability of producing a supernova explosion. These stars have the necessary fuel and energy to undergo a supernova event at the end of their life cycle.

Is your sun a supernova or a white dwarf?

Our Sun is currently a main sequence star. It is not a supernova, as supernovae are massive explosions that occur at the end of a star's life cycle, and it is not a white dwarf, which is a type of star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel and collapsed to a very dense state.

Can supernova occur in the same star more than once?

No, a supernova is a one-time event that occurs when a star reaches the end of its life cycle and undergoes a catastrophic explosion. Once a star has gone supernova, it no longer has the mass or structure necessary to repeat the process.

Can we predict when the next supernova will happen?

It is not currently possible to predict exactly when a supernova will occur. While we can identify stars that are close to going supernova based on their characteristics and behavior, the exact timing of the event remains unpredictable.

How does carbon come from a supernova?

During a supernova explosion, high-energy processes, such as fusion and neutron capture, occur, leading to the creation of elements heavier than iron, including carbon. These processes involve enormous amounts of energy and pressure, causing lighter elements to fuse into heavier ones. This is how carbon is produced in supernova explosions.