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The dew point is the temperature below which, water vapor (at a constant pressure) will condense into liquid water.

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8mo ago

Dew points occur when the temperature cools to the point where air reaches saturation and can no longer hold all of its water vapor, causing condensation to form. This usually happens during the early morning or late evening when temperatures are at their lowest. Dew points can also occur after a rapid drop in temperature, for example, during a cold front passage.

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Why dew point is not equal to bubble point in mixture of liquids?

Dew point and bubble point represent different phases of a mixture. Dew point is when the vapor starts to condense into liquid, while bubble point is when the liquid starts to vaporize into vapor. In a mixture of liquids, the components will have different boiling points, causing the dew point and bubble point to occur at different temperatures.

What happens when air reaches its dew points?

relative humidity is 100 percent.

Can the temperature be less than the dew point?

No, the temperature cannot be less than the dew point. When the temperature is equal to the dew point, the air is saturated with moisture and condensation may occur. If the temperature drops below the dew point, the air becomes supersaturated and water vapor will condense out of the air as dew, fog, clouds, or precipitation.

Is dew and frost caused by precipitation?

Dew and frost are not caused by precipitation. Dew forms when the temperature of surfaces drops below the dew point of the surrounding air, causing moisture to condense. Frost occurs when the surface temperature drops below freezing and water vapor in the air crystallizes directly onto the surface.

If the dew point temperature is below zero what will occur when air is chilled to the dew point?

If the dew point temperature is below zero, the air would need to be cooled to that temperature or below for dew to form. At that point, the water vapor in the air would condense directly into ice crystals, in a process called deposition.

Related questions

How is the dew point related to a storm?

Dew points are related to storms because the higher the dew point, the more likely it is that storms will develop. Dew points 70 and over indicate a better chance for storms.

What is low and high dew point?

A low dew point indicates dry air, while a high dew point indicates moist air. Low dew points are common in arid climates, while high dew points are typical in humid regions. Dew point is a measure of how much moisture is present in the air, with lower dew points representing lower moisture levels.

When do tornados mostly occur and why?

Tornadoes most often occur in the spring an early summer as that is when the collisions of air masses of different temperatures and dew points are most violent and most like to produce severe thunderstorms.

Where do you enter your Mountain Dew secret code?

take me to the site to register my dew points "i earned"

Why dew point is not equal to bubble point in mixture of liquids?

Dew point and bubble point represent different phases of a mixture. Dew point is when the vapor starts to condense into liquid, while bubble point is when the liquid starts to vaporize into vapor. In a mixture of liquids, the components will have different boiling points, causing the dew point and bubble point to occur at different temperatures.

How many Weight watchers Points in mountain dew?


Is the temperature at which Condensation of water vapor can occur?

Dew point.

What condensation occur?

Condensation occurs at dew point temperature which is "the temp. at which first dew from vapours is formed when we are decreasing the temp. of the vapours".

How many Weight Watchers points in a Mountain Dew?


What do you call the temperatures at which air becomes saturated?

The temperatures at which air becomes saturated are called dew points. Dew points are the temperatures at which the air is holding as much moisture as it can, leading to saturation and potential condensation.

What happens when air reaches its dew points?

relative humidity is 100 percent.

What is Dew points?

It is the point when water vapour condenses to form water droplets.