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The movement of molecules of a substance from its higher concentration to its lower concentration by their own kinetic energy is called diffusion. Thus abiding the principle of diffusion it occurs in our body cells and lungs both ways. In lungs the molecules of oxygen diffuse inside the blood and for carbon dioxide molecules outside.

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Q: When diffusion occurs in body cells and our lungs which way does it move?
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Were do red blood cells move files?

Red blood cells do not "move files." Instead, they circulate throughout the body to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues and remove carbon dioxide for excretion. This process occurs in the bloodstream as the cells travel through the arteries, capillaries, and veins.

Where does the exchanged of gases in the body take place?

The exchange of gases in the body primarily takes place in the lungs through the process of breathing. Oxygen from inhaled air diffuses into the bloodstream in the lungs, while carbon dioxide produced by cells in the body diffuses out of the bloodstream into the lungs to be exhaled.

Where does diffussion happen in the blood stream and the body?

Diffusion occurs in the blood stream primarily in the capillaries, where substances like oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse between the blood and tissues. In the body, diffusion occurs in cells where nutrients and waste products move between the cell membrane and the surrounding fluid to maintain cellular functions.

Why is diffusion important for all living things?

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated. In other words, diffusion occurs when concentrated molecules spread out and become more randomly distributed. Diffusion is important for all living things because it helps cells get materials they need, and get rid of wastes they don't need. If food is concentrated outside of cells, it can diffuse into cells. Water also diffuses in and out of cells depending upon the concentration of other molecules in the environment. The diffusion of ions is essentially for the proper functioning of nerve and muscle cells. Your body also relies upon diffusion to move oxygen from your lungs into your tissues, and in the processing of wastes in your kidneys. Basically, all living things rely upon the process of diffusion to move molecules from one place to another.

What do red blood cells transport?

Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled.

Related questions

What are examples of diffusion in the human body?

Examples of diffusion in the human body include the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, the movement of glucose from the bloodstream into cells for energy production, and the movement of waste products like urea from cells into the bloodstream for excretion by the kidneys.

The transport of oxygen by hemoglobin occurs in the?

capillaries between the cells in the lungs or the capillaries between the cells in the body

Where does oxygenation occurs in the body?

normally the oxygen transfer from the lungs to the cells through haemoglobin in most of the animals. the oxygen transfer occurs in lungs from the atmospheric air.

Where in the human body does simple diffusion occur?

Simple diffusion occurs in various parts of the human body, including the lungs (for gas exchange), the intestines (for nutrient absorption), and the kidneys (for waste filtration). It is a passive process where molecules move across cell membranes down their concentration gradient without the need for a specific protein transporter.

What substance is brought into the body during respiration?

Air is brought into the body during respiration, and oxygen is absorbed by the hemoglobin of the red blood cells in the lungs by diffusion. Carbon dioxide is removed during respiration -- without the removal of the CO2, the oxygen wouldn't get in.

What process causes oxygen to move from the lungs into the blood?

Oxygen moves from the lungs to the blood through a process called diffusion. This occurs at the alveoli in the lungs, where oxygen in the air sacs diffuses across the alveolar membrane into the capillaries surrounding the alveoli. From there, the oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells for transport to the body's tissues.

Where in the body apart from the lungs does gaseous exchange occurs?

Gaseous exchange occurs through capillaries all over the body to bring oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide.

How does oxygen get to body cells?


How are oxygen and carbón dioxide exchange during respiration?

During respiration, oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and diffuses into the bloodstream where it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Carbon dioxide, produced as a waste product of cellular respiration, is carried by the blood back to the lungs, where it is exhaled out of the body. This exchange of gases occurs through the process of diffusion across the alveolar membranes in the lungs.

How does oxygen diffuse through the body?

Diffusion occurs throughout the human body, and without it, cells and body tissue, dirty atmosphere, oxygen concentration may be low, and the eye can dry out.

Were do red blood cells move files?

Red blood cells do not "move files." Instead, they circulate throughout the body to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues and remove carbon dioxide for excretion. This process occurs in the bloodstream as the cells travel through the arteries, capillaries, and veins.

Where is 3 systems in the body where diffusion occurs?

Diffusion occurs in the respiratory system, where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange happens in the lungs. It also occurs in the digestive system, where nutrients pass through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Additionally, diffusion takes place in the circulatory system, where gases and nutrients move between blood and tissues at the capillaries.