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Q: When did the first primitive mammals appear in the fossil record in what period?
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When did mammals appear in the fossil records?

40 million years agoThey started appearing in the Cenozoic period.

When did mammals appear in the mesozoic era?

Mammals appeared in the late Triassic period about 220-230 million years ago.

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When did small furry animals appear?

The first mammals appeared during the Cretaceous Period.

Why is it impossible for a cat fossil to be found in the same sedimentary rock layer as a dinosaur fossil?

Because the layer dinosaur fossils are located are from time period and the fact there were no mammals (cat like) on that time, makes it impossible for cats to be found on that layer. Actually the first mammals appear in the fossil record about the same time as the first dinosaurs, but until at the time the dinosaurs died out (65 million years ago) no mammal was quite as large as the modern cat (most were the size of rats or smaller). The first cats (and "dogs") did not appear until about 50 million years ago.

What era did large mammals first appear?

The Cenozoic era at about 65 million years ago. The Paleogene period.

During what period did dinosaurs first appear in the fossil records?

The oldest dinosaur fossils known to man date back to the late Triassic Period about 230 Million Years Ago.

What were some examples of the mammals of the tertiary period?

All mammals present today are example of tertiary period mammals as we are living in tertiary period .

What is a mammals gestation period?

The gestational period for a mammal varies. Smaller mammals tend to have a shorter gestational period than larger mammals.

Are birds and mammals decended from a common ancestor?

Mammals came before birds. The first mammals lived in the Triassic and the first birds lived in the Jurassic.

When did the first dinosaurs and mammals evolve?

The first dinosaurs AND the first mammals both appeared in the Triassic period From the Mesozoic era.

Did bees fly before bats?

Yes. Bees eveolved in the Cretaceous period about 100 million years ago. Bats first appear in the fossil record in the Paleogene period about 50 million years ago.