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The first atomic number appeared on the Periodic Table in August 1982. The first atom of the element meitnerium had the atomic number 109. The isotope of element 109 has an Atomic Mass of 266.

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Q: When did the atomic number first appear on the periodic table?
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What is the first metal in the periodic table?

The first metal in the periodic table is lithium, with atomic number 3.

How was the periodic table first organized atomic number or atomic mass?

The periodic table was first organized by atomic mass. However, after the discovery of isotopes and inconsistencies around this method, it was later rearranged based on atomic number, which reflects the number of protons in an atom's nucleus.

What element is the first on the periodic table?

Hydrogen is the first element on periodic table. Its atomic number is 1.

What element has the atomic number 1 and first on the periodic table?


Who organized the periodic table by atomic number?

Arranging the Periodic Table by atomic number rather than Atomic Mass was first suggested by a British man named Henry Moseley in 1913. Before that point, the periodic table was organized by atomic mass, and has several inconsistencies and problems.

Was the first element on the periodic table of elements carbon?

NO!!! Hydrogen (H) is the first element on the Periodic Table. Reason Atomic No. = 1 Atomic mass( of protium) = 1 Carbon lies 6th position. Atomic No. = 6 Atomic mass = 12

How were the elements in the periodic table arranged?

By Atomic Mass

Is the atomic number of each element included in the periodic table?

YES!!! The atomic No. is the postition of the element in the periodic table. It also indicates the number of protons in the element and electrons in the neutral element. The Atomic Mass is also included in the periodic table. The Atomic Mass is the sum of all the protons and neutrons of an element in the periodic table. Here are some examples. Hydrogen ; [1/1]H The first element in the table Carbon ; [12/6]C The sixth element in the periodic table Oxygen ; [16/8]O The eighth element in the periodic table et.seq., The first number given is the Atomic Mass and the second number is the Atomic Number.

What element has the atomic number of 1?

Hydrogen (H) the first on the Periodic Table.

Does the old periodic table increase by atomic number?

Yes, the old periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Each element's position on the table is based on its number of protons in the nucleus.

How is the periodic table is organized into columns called?

The elements arranged according to their atomic number in the table are called periodic table.

Who redesigned the periodic table to put elements in order by atomic number?

No,its not Dmitri Mendeleev.Dmitri Mendeleev create the first periodic table but mostly it was wrong....he arranged them by the atomic number when it should have been by increasing the atomic number(and ya there's a difference)..the one that rearranged it was Henry Moseley.