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After the war between the US and Mexico was over, Mexico was left defeated and weak. President James K. Polk decided to get these two areas from Mexico in return for 15 million dollars. Later, in the Gadsden Purchase, the US bought present day Arizona and New Mexico.

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Mexico ceded California and the Territory of New Mexico to the US as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, following the Mexican-American War.

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Q: When did Mexico give California and the Territory of New Mexico to the US?
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By singing the Mexico gave California and New Mexico territory to the US?

treaty of guadalupe hidalgo =for A+ students

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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It became the US States of Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico.

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Alta California was Mexican territory. Alta Calfornia consisted of California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and parts of New Mexico.

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It became the territory of New Mexico and was contested by both California and Texas. This situation was defused thanks to the Compromise of 1850, where Texas surrendered its claim to New Mexico.

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These three vast expanses of land were known as Territory of New Mexico (Territorio de Nuevo Mexico), Territory of Texas (Territorio de Texas) and Territory of Upper California (Territorio de Alta California). However, these large territories included present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas.

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Any state that is not California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma or Kansas.

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California,Nevada, Utah,most of Arizona,and parts of New Mexico, Colorado,Wyoming and Texas.

Who was president when the US won the California and New Mexico Territory?

James K. Polk (term 1845-1849)

The area including New Mexico Arizona and parts of Nevada Utah and Colorado was known as?

New Mexico territory