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Gallilio improved the telescope in 1609, one year after it was invented

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4mo ago

Galileo improved the telescope in 1609, by making it more powerful and using it to observe celestial bodies such as the Moon, stars, and planets. His discoveries helped revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos and laid the foundation for modern astronomy.

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13y ago

in 1610 he perfected the telescope

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How do you improve the resolution?

Get a bigger telescope. Resolution is proportional to the size of the telescope. But due to the atmosphere, there is a practical limit beyond which it makes no difference what the telescope size is.

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You could make the telescope able to see better in the dark and make it more portable.

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What was an accomplishment of gallilio gallili?

It's actually spelled Galileo Galilei. He had many accomplishments in his life, however he is most known for being the first to turn the recently invented telescope to the heavens. The telescope was actually invented by Hans Lippershey. Galileo proved that the universe was not perfect as was the popular belief because the moon was covered in craters, valleys and mountains, not a smooth perfect sphere. He also turned his telescope to Jupiter and discovered 4 moons as well as the fact that the moons orbited around Jupiter.

Did Glileo discover the telescope?

no, it was actually Hans lippershey, a Dutchman, but Hans didn't call it a telescope he called it a spy glass Galileo just used his mathematic skills to improve it

How did Isaac Newton improve the first refracting telescope?

Isaac Newton improved the first refracting telescope by designing a reflecting telescope, known as the Newtonian telescope. He replaced the eyepiece of the refracting telescope with a curved mirror to eliminate chromatic aberration, resulting in a sharper image with less distortion. This design laid the foundation for future advancements in telescope technology.

Who improve the telescope?

The telescope was improved by several astronomers and inventors over time. Some key figures include Galileo Galilei, who made significant advancements in telescope design in the 17th century, and Hans Lippershey, who is often credited with inventing the first practical telescope in the early 1600s.

What was Galiloe's invention?

Galileo Galilei is often credited with the invention of the telescope, which he used to make important astronomical discoveries.