At his house
He discovered it on the moon.
Galileo did not discover gravity. It was Sir Isaac Newton who formulated the law of universal gravitation.
No, Galileo did not discover gravity. The concept of gravity was introduced by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century through his theory of universal gravitation. Galileo made significant contributions to the field of physics, particularly in the study of motion and mechanics.
Galileo observed Saturn's rings in 1610 with his telescope. However, he initially mistook them for handles or large moons and was unable to accurately identify them as rings.
No, Venus was already known of in Galileo's time.
Nobody did. You don't DISCOVER constellations; you DEFINE them.
yes Galileo Galilie discovered Saturn
Galileo's greatest discovery was the discovery of jupiter's moons and rings.
galileo galili
1610 why
In the year 1610
In astronomy, he used a telescope.
Sun spots
At his house
He discovered it on the moon.