The current belief of virtually all astronomers is that comets were "specks" of leftover detritus from the formation of our solar system. Being the lightest of those "specks", they orbit the sun at the farthest distance - the Oort cloud, estimated to be about a light year from our sun. Note, though, that in this usage, "speck" means a ball of dirt laced with ices that's about 3 to 10 kilometers wide.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collided with Jupiter in July 1994.
Shadow of the Comet happened in 1993.
"Periodic" comets reappear at predictable intervals, such as Haley's Comet. Some comets are never seen again. A few crash into the Sun and are destroyed; a few crash into other planets, such as the Shoemaker-Levy comet that hit Jupiter. Many comets have such long periods, in terms of thousands of years, that no records exist that anyone ever saw them before.
Jupiter in 1994 it took an entire week for the 21 pieces to crash into Jupiter
... i bet a nigeran scammer sent u that= scam lol
Comet Crash was created on 2009-04-02.
Nobody knows for certain if a gigantic comet will crash into the Earth or not. However, such an event is very rare and unlikely to happen in the near future.
It may, or it may not. There is no particular reason to assume that a comet will crash into Earth precisely in 2012.
No. But NASA did send a space probe to crash into a comet.
A Comet is a body in perpetual orbit. A Meteorite is a body which enters the Earth's atmosphere. It is unlikely that Halley's Comet will ever crash into the Earth.
Comet Crash - 2009 VG was released on: USA: 2 April 2009
No, Comet Hale-Bopp did not crash into Jupiter. Comet Hale-Bopp made a close approach to the Earth in 1997, but its trajectory did not intersect with Jupiter.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collided with Jupiter in July 1994.
Shadow of the Comet happened in 1993.
There is no reason why there should be ANY bad effects in such a case - unless the comet happens to crash on Earth.
Halley's Comet - video game - happened in 1986.
Phantom Crash happened in 2002.