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Q: When describing the color size shape or smell of an object you are describing the?
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What is anything you can observe about an object by using your senses?

You can observe an object's color, shape, texture, size, weight, smell, taste, and temperature using your senses.

What are color shape size texture odor and form?

Color refers to the visual characteristic of an object's hue, shape is the outline or external form of an object, size is the dimensions or proportions of an object, texture is the feel or appearance of the surface of an object, odor is the scent or smell of an object, and form is the overall structure or arrangement of an object.

What is the difference the physical properties?

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What is the color of aroma?

Aroma is not a physical object or substance, so it does not have a color of its own. Aroma refers to the scent or smell produced by substances or objects.

What are some physicals properties of matter?

Some physical properties of matter are shape,size,taste,color,smell, and texture.

What kind of properties can be determined without changing a substance into a different substance?

physical: color, shape, texture, smell, ext.

Simile for the smell of mist?

simili with as he smell as rose

Do colors have a smell?

No, colors do not have a physical smell because they are a visual perception. Smell is a sense that comes from chemical compounds interacting with receptors in our nose, whereas color is a result of light waves being reflected off an object.

Give 5 example qualitative and 5 quantitative observations in science?

Quantitative observations: measuring the pH of a solution, counting the number of flower petals, recording the temperature of a substance, calculating the mass of an object, determining the length of a plant stem. Qualitative observations: describing the color of a mineral sample, noting the texture of a material, identifying the smell of a chemical compound, observing the shape of a crystal, categorizing the behavior of an organism.

What is the color or smell of women organizm?

The color is white and the smell depends on different varieties.