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When climbing a mountain, you will reach colder temperatures.

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Q: When climbing a mountain does temperature increase or decrease?
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When climbing a mountain with a barometer will the mercury level decrease or increase?

As you climb a mountain, the atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, causing the mercury level in the barometer to decrease. This is because there is less air pressing down on the mercury in the barometer as you ascend, leading to a lower reading.

When you climb a mountain the density increase?

When climbing a mountain, the air density decreases due to the lower pressure at higher altitudes. This decrease in air density can affect breathing and energy levels, making it more challenging to climb as you reach higher elevations.

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Mountain climbing

Cold freezing lapse analogy?

A cold freezing lapse refers to a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing altitude in the atmosphere. It is similar to climbing a mountain and experiencing a drop in temperature as you ascend. Just as you would need to bundle up to stay warm at higher elevations, the atmosphere experiences this cooling trend due to the decrease in air pressure and heat loss to space.

Where is it possible to buy apparels for mountain climbing?

Mountain climbing is a popular outdoor sport, especially in Europe. There are a few locations an individual may purchase mountain climbing apparel. Mountain Gear and Summit Post are two websites which sell gear for mountain climbing. Back Country and ProLite Gear also sell mountain climbing apparel and gear.

What does bergsteigen mean in English?

Bergsteigen = mountain climbing Bergsteigen = mountaineering

What does l'alpinisme mean?

Mountain-climbing or rock climbing, in French

Where can you mountain climbing?

In Japan.

What happens to the temperature of the air as it flows up over the mountain?

Wind is blowing air up over the mountain. Going from about 1,000 feet at the base to 7,000 feet at the top, the temperature changes as the air goes over the mountain.

Who died from mountain climbing?

actually mountain climbing requires a lot of stamina ,strength,and will power... nowadays mountain climbing is a passion for many...In the year 1996,15 people had died due to climbing making it a deadly year....while climbing d mount everest...hope this doesnt occur with someone else..

What are mountain activities?

Mountain climbing and skiing, or snowboarding perhaps.