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Q: When both of the alleles of a gene are different what is the individual?
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When both alleles of gene are different what is individual?

The individual is heterozygous for that gene. This means they have two different alleles for the gene, one inherited from each parent. The individual will express the dominant allele if present.

When alleles of a gene are different what is the individual?


When both alleles of a gene are different what is the indivisual?

When an individual has two different alleles for a gene, they are said to be heterozygous for that gene. This means that they have one dominant allele and one recessive allele for that particular trait.

What are two forms of a gene called?

The two different molecular forms of a gene are called alleles.

The gene that is fully expressed when two different alleles are present is the?

heterozygous gene. In this situation, both alleles are different and both are expressed, resulting in a blending or mixing of their traits.

What are diifferent forms of the same gene?

Different forms of the same gene are called alleles. Alleles are variations in a gene's DNA sequence that can lead to different traits or characteristics. Each individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent.

It an organism has two alleles that are different then the individual is?

heterozygous for that specific gene.

What term defines a gene made up of two diffrent alleles?

A gene with two different alleles is called a heterozygous gene. This means that an individual has inherited two different versions of the gene, one from each parent.

What term is used when both alleles are different?

The condition called in a case when you have a two different types of alleles is called as Heterozygous and when this is exactly the opposite that is when it has the alleles for the same source we describe such a condition as a Homozygous. This two terms are of most importance when you take the genetics

Different versions of the same gene are called?

Different versions of the same gene are called

Differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous?

Homozygous refers to having two identical alleles of a particular gene, while heterozygous refers to having two different alleles of a particular gene. In homozygous individuals, both alleles are the same (e.g., AA or aa), while in heterozygous individuals, the alleles are different (e.g., Aa).

Differentiate the terms homozygous and heterozygous?

Homozygous refers to an individual having two identical alleles for a particular gene (e.g., AA or aa), while heterozygous refers to an individual having two different alleles for a particular gene (e.g., Aa). Homozygous individuals are true-breeding for that particular trait, while heterozygous individuals are carriers of both alleles.