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Q: When both alles of a gene are different what is the inidividual?
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What is a set of alles in a gene called?

Different alleles of genes are called traits. For example hair color, eye color or blood type.

When both of the alleles of a gene are different what is the individual?


When both alleles of gene are different what is individual?

The individual is heterozygous for that gene. This means they have two different alleles for the gene, one inherited from each parent. The individual will express the dominant allele if present.

What determines an organisms alleles in sexual reproduction?

An organism's alleles in sexual reproduction are determined by the combination of alleles inherited from its two parents. Each parent contributes one allele for each gene, leading to genetic diversity in the offspring. Random assortment and recombination of alleles during meiosis further contribute to allele variation.

What does being heterozygous for some genetic trait mean?

the 2 alleles of the gene for the trait are different on the 2 homologous chromosomesBeing heterozygous for a trait means that they have different alleles for a trait. For instance: Tt would be heterozygous and TT or tt would be homozygous because they are both eitehr little or big t' mean the gene is not pure or for example suppose a person is blood group A but actually he is having A and O; because O is recessive trait the gene express the A trait instead, making the person having blood group A.

Do the father gene override the mothers?

In genetics, traits are determined by a combination of genes from both parents. It is not accurate to say that one parent's genes override the other's. Often, traits are a result of a complex interaction between multiple genes from both parents.

Different versions of the same gene are called?

Different versions of the same gene are called

How do you know if the recessive gene will be the recessive in the offspring?

If both parents carry a recessive gene for a particular trait, there is a 25% chance that their offspring will inherit two copies of the recessive gene and exhibit the corresponding trait. This can be determined through genetic Punnett square analysis to predict the probability of different genetic outcomes in offspring.

What is similar about gene and allele?

Both gene and allele are related to genetic information. A gene is a specific sequence of DNA that codes for a particular trait, while an allele is a specific version of a gene that can vary between individuals and contribute to genetic diversity. Essentially, alleles are different forms of the same gene.

What is homonym for jean?

The homonym for "jean" is "gene." Both words are pronounced the same but have different meanings. "Jean" refers to a type of fabric used for making pants, while "gene" refers to a unit of heredity that is passed from parent to offspring.

What do you call a different form or version of a gene?

The different forms of a gene are called alleles.

How can both your parents have brown eyes and you have blue?

It means they carried the gene for blue eyes as a recessive gene. If they both gave you this gene, then you will come out with blue eyes.