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Either scenario is possible. Some electrons are involved in covalent bonds and have an emission spectrum that depicts that extended commitment. Some electrons are more tightly involved with individual atoms and their emissions are of higher energies.

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When a molecule emits a photon, it means that the molecule as a whole has undergone a transition from a higher energy level to a lower one, resulting in the release of energy in the form of a photon. This transition can be the result of changes in the electronic structure or vibrational modes within the molecule.

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Q: When an color photon is emitted from some molecule that means molecule jumped from some energy level to lower and emitted it or just one of its atom's electron did?
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Why there are discontinous spaces between spectrum of hydrogen?

The discontinuous spaces in the spectrum of hydrogen are due to the quantized energy levels of electrons in the hydrogen atom. When electrons move between energy levels, they emit or absorb photons of specific energies corresponding to the differences in energy levels. These transitions result in the emission or absorption lines that create the spectral lines with distinct wavelengths.

How was Niel bohr model of an atom different from that of Rutherford model of an atom?

Bohr's model introduced the concept of electron orbits or energy levels, where electrons move in fixed paths around the nucleus, unlike Rutherford's model, which described electrons moving randomly around the nucleus. Bohr's model also accounted for the quantization of energy levels and explained the emission of specific wavelengths of light when electrons jumped between these levels.

What does the electron do when an atom emits a photon?

Atoms actually emit light by reflecting light. I just did a science project on this and when I researched it, atoms take the sun's rays and absorb them. Darker colours, with darker atoms, such as blue, red, and black, lock in more of the sun's rays and lighter colours, with lighter atoms, such as yellow, white, and orange, reflect more of the light and the sun's rays. That's why if you put a black car and a white car next to each other in a parking lot for an hour and you come back and the black car feels hotter than the white car. Atoms also emit light in another way. The electrons in an atoms have certain values of energy, and are not all the same. Scientists think of them as occupying points on a 'ladder' of energy values. When an atom gains energy, for instance being heated such as flames, hot metal and stars, the electrons of the atom increase in energy levels. They will then drop back down the 'ladder' and emit energy as a photon - a single packet of energy. The energy of the photon is equal to the difference in energy between the electrons original energy level and its new level. The higher the drop down the 'ladder' the more energy the electron loses and so the more energy in the emitted photon. This changes it's wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. That's why metal first glows red, as it emits the lower red part of the spectrum, and increases to white hot, as it emits all different wavelengths. The combination of colours build up to form the colour white. Very hot stars can even glow blue, only emitting the top end of the spectrum. Each element in the periodic table emits (and absorbs, in the reverse process, reflecting photons of the wrong energy value) different parts of the spectrum, giving us the ranges of colour we see. In 1868, by looking at the parts of the spectrum emitted from the corona of the sun during a total eclipse, Helium was discovered, as it did not match any other element known to man.

What was Niels Bohr's expanation for the observation of atomic spectra?

Niels Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels, and when they jump between levels, they emit or absorb specific amounts of energy in the form of light. This explains why atoms emit distinct lines in their spectra, corresponding to the energy differences between the electron energy levels.

What does potential and kinetic energy have to do with paper airplanes?

It all started when a guy named ken base jumped off a cliff with a flying fox

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What is the relationship between the light emitted by an atom and the energies of the electrons in the atom?

Light Energy increases as you move down the period table among the alkali group.

When An electron jumps from energy level 1 to level 2 by absorbing 8 eV what is it when it goes back to energy level 1?

There are no handling or re-stocking charges, and the loan is interest-free. The energy it needed in order to climb from level-1 to level-2 is exactly the same energy it returns to the bank when it goes back to level-1 As it falls back to energy-level-1, it spits out a photon with energy of 8 eV, whereupon everything is back to normal, and energy is conserved.

State in which electrons have jumped to a higher energy level?

state in which electrons have absorbed energy and "jumped" to a higher energy level

What changes happen to the body when it jumped?

ITS An ENERGY CHANGEin this the body gets kinetic energy

Why there are discontinous spaces between spectrum of hydrogen?

The discontinuous spaces in the spectrum of hydrogen are due to the quantized energy levels of electrons in the hydrogen atom. When electrons move between energy levels, they emit or absorb photons of specific energies corresponding to the differences in energy levels. These transitions result in the emission or absorption lines that create the spectral lines with distinct wavelengths.

Where can we see the potential energy in skydiving?

From the altitude of the airplane when you jumped out.

What type of energy existed before the boy jumped off the platform?

Gravitational potential energy.

Why do atoms emit only certain wavelengths of light?

The electrons in an atom's "electron shell" all have specific energy levels. If you add energy to an atom, the atom will absorb a specific amount of energy, and the electron will jump up to a higher energy level. Each different element has its own energy levels, and it can only absorb energy in specific amounts. (When you add a lot of energy to the atom, the atom becomes ionized, as one or more electrons absorb enough energy to break free of the atom completely, leaving the atom with an unbalanced positive electrical charge.) When those "excited" or jumped-up electrons release the energy, the electron drops back to its previous level, and the atom (or more specifically, the electron) emits a photon, which is a particle of light. Each photon has a frequency or energy that is distinctive to the element and the energy level. Electrons cannot have intermediate energies; they absorb and release exact "packets" or "quanta" of energy. This is how a mass spectrometer works; the operator ionizes a sample of the material that he wants to analyze, and watches the resulting spectrum. Each wavelength of light emitted by the sample corresponds to one specific element.

What is the past tense of jumped?

I jumped You jumped He/She/It jumped We jumped They jumped

I just had to have my car jumped. Does using the heat drain the car battery after it has just been jumped?

If it was your car that has been "jumped" then the energy went from your "friends" battery to yours. Your friends battery lost some charge, whilst yours gained some charge. Once the cables were detached - no energy was transferred. No, as long as you do not have the blower motor running.

Why does heart beating fast after you jumped?

well it beats faster because you are using a lot more energy

What is the present perfect tense of jumped?

I/You/We/They have jumped. He/She/It has jumped. she is jumped up and down.