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An ion.

if the charge is positive, it is know as a cation and if the charge is negative , it is known as an anion.

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5d ago

When an atom is no longer neutral and has gained or lost electrons, it is called an ion. An atom that has gained electrons will have a negative charge (an anion), while an atom that has lost electrons will have a positive charge (a cation).

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Q: When an atom in no longer neutral it exists with a charge an atom that has a charge is called a?
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When an atom is no longer neutral it exists with a charge. An atom that has a charge is called a .?

An ion. if the charge is positive, it is know as a cation and if the charge is negative , it is known as an anion.

When an atom is no longer neutral, it exists with a charge. An atom that has a charge is called a _______.?

An ion. if the charge is positive, it is know as a cation and if the charge is negative , it is known as an anion.

What is an atom called when it no longer has a neutral charge?

An atom with no electric charge will be called a neutral atom. In a neutral atom, there is a balance of charges, and the number of protons will be equal to the number of electrons. It's really that simple. Compare this to atoms that have an imbalance of charges. These atoms are called ions.

What is an atom that is no longer neutral?

An atom that is no longer neutral has gained or lost electrons, resulting in a net positive or negative charge. A positively charged atom is called a cation, while a negatively charged atom is called an anion. These charged atoms are called ions.

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An atom with a neutral charge means that the number of protons in its nucleus is equal to the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge, so when these charges balance out, the atom is neutral.

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The overall charge on any atom is neutral, meaning it has an equal number of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge). This balance of positive and negative charges ensures the atom is electrically neutral.

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The source returns to a balanced state.

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An atom has an overall neutral charge because the number of protons in the nucleus (positively charged) is equal to the number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus (negatively charged). These opposite charges balance each other out, resulting in a neutral atom.