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When all the grains in a rock are roughly the same size, the rock is said to be well-sorted. This indicates that the grains were transported and deposited in a consistent manner, usually by wind or water, allowing them to settle according to size. Well-sorted rocks often have higher permeability and porosity compared to poorly sorted rocks.

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Q: When all the grains in a rock are roughly the same size the rock is said to be?
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No. Sand grains could be a mixture of particles of all sorts of different rock grains. Some sands are mostly quartz grains, some are grains of feldspars, some are gypsum, some are basaltic, and some are combinations of types. Sand can actually be formed from almost any rock type.

Which rocks has two different size grains of the same mineral?

Pegmatite is a type of igneous rock that can have two different grain sizes of the same mineral present. This is due to the slow cooling process of the magma, allowing for the growth of large crystals (phenocrysts) within a finer-grained matrix.

Which rock is made of rounded grains that are all the same size?

A rock made of rounded grains that are all the same size is called a conglomerate rock. This rock is formed from the consolidation of rounded pebbles and stones that have been naturally rounded by the action of water or wind.

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It can be assumed that the organisms that created the fossils were a part of the same depositional environment and process, and roughly from the same time span of the rock that comprises the layer.

Is 10x15cm the same as '4x6''?

10cm is roughly 4" and 15cm is roughly 6". It depends on how accurate you need to be though. 2.5cm is roughly the same as 1", but its not exactly the same.

What general rock feature does a geologist look for in a sedimentary rock to determine the distance the rock has traveled from its place of origin?

A geologist looks for the degree of rounding of sediment grains, also known as sedimentary rock morphology, to determine the distance the rock has traveled from its place of origin. Well-rounded grains indicate longer transport distances, whereas angular grains suggest a shorter distance traveled.

What does FG mean in cooking?

It means a few grains. Same as a pinch.

Is classical music the same as rock and pop music?

No. Classical music sprung from the art movement, while rock and pop from entertainment. That said, these days there is some crossover.

What is a rock's texture?

The texture of a rock consists of it's grain or mineral crystal size, the arrangement of the grains or crystals, and the degree of uniformity of the grains or crystals. Examples of rock texture would be: * Coarse grained--visible crystals or grains as in granite. * Fine grained--small grains, invisible to the unaided eye as in shale. * Porphyritic--large visible crystals in a fine grained matrix as in granite porphyry. * Schistose--layers of flattened micaceous minerals such as in mica schist. * Foliated--a metamorphic rock texture of parallel mineral banding as in gneiss. * Homogenous--same grain apperance in all directions as in basalt.