

Best Answer

They come into being with exact and precise simultaneity. In other words, at exactly the

same time. If it were not so, then there would be some interval of time, however brief,

when one existed without the other, in direct contradiction of Prof. Newton's Third Law.

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Q: When action-reaction force pairs come into being what force is created first?
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Is it true Newton's First Law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and a object in motion stays in motion with a force that is equal to its propelling force?

No, Newton's First Law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. There is no mention of the force being equal to the propelling force.

How do you find the net force when forces are acting in opposite directions?

To find the net force when forces are acting in opposite directions, you need to subtract the smaller force from the larger force. The net force will be in the direction of the larger force. This is because the smaller force is being overcome by the larger force, resulting in a net force in the direction of the larger force.

Are acting on the pen?

The Forces acting on the pen are first the downward force called gravitational force and the upward force is the tension force.

Action reaction force pairs act on what?

All Forces! For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs"

What determines whether or not work is being done?

Work is done when a force is applied to an object and it causes the object to move in the direction of the force. Mathematically, work is calculated as the force applied multiplied by the distance the object moved in the direction of the force. If there is no movement or if the force is not in the same direction as the movement, then no work is being done.

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When action- reaction force pairs come into being the action force is created first?


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When action reaction force pairs come into being the action force is created first?

In every action-reaction force pair, the action force and the reaction force are created simultaneously. When one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object at the same time. This is known as Newton's third law of motion.

When was Australian First Tactical Air Force created?

Australian First Tactical Air Force was created in 1944.

With action-reaction forces the action force is created first?

its either a. the action force was created first b. the reaction force was created first c. the forces were created at the same time d. bith forces already existed i need the answer too...

When action reaction force pair come into being the action force is create first?


What newton law of motion is also known as actionreaction.?

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law is often referred to as the action-reaction law. It explains how forces occur in pairs and act in opposite directions.

Does a balance scale work by using force or gravity?

it works by reacting to the force created by the mass of your body being in a gravitational field. in short it works by using a force. but that force is because of gravity.

Who was the first jedi in Star Wars?

Technically, there was a group of beings who were force sensitive that discovered the force and created the jedi order.

Why can friction make observing Newtons first law of motion difficult?

Newton's first law of motion categorizes any force affecting the motion as an external force. Friction being an external force, negates its presence as an integral force of a motion. Hence friction cannot be used to observe first law of motion.