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Q: When a substance passes directly from solid to gaseous state on heating it is said to be?
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When a substance goes directly from a gaseous state to solid state as dry ice does?

When a substance changes directly from solid state to gaseous state without changing to the liquid state, it undergoes sublimation. Examples of substances which sublime include dry ice and ammonium chloride. ================================== Another contributor continued: The process is considered to be unusual among various substances, but the truth is that it's rare only under the conditions in which human beings live, i.e., normal air pressure. There is a threshold of pressure for every substance above which the substance has no liquid phase, and passes directly between the solid and gaseous phases. Example: Above a pressure of about 214 atmospheres (3,120 pounds per square inch), water doesn't exist. At that pressure, ice thaws directly to steam at 373° C (703° F), just as dry ice does at room temperature and pressure..

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What it called when a wave passes through a substance?

When a wave passes through a substance, it gets transmitted through it. The speed of the wave changes depending on the nature of the substance.

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In the summer the sun passes almost directly vertical over the Sonoran Desert and there is little in the way of humidity or cloud cover to prevent the rays of the sun from striking the earth, heating it. The hor earth then heats the air directly above it.

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You can buy a horse via private sales for passes, but other than this you cannot directly send passes.

What is the explanation for the chemical meaning of sublimation?

Sublimation is the process in which a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid phase. This can occur when the vapor pressure of the solid exceeds the atmospheric pressure at a certain temperature. It is a physical change, not a chemical reaction.

What happens when light passes through a substance near 0 degrees Kelvin?

When light passes through a substance near 0 degrees Kelvin, it bends and becomes deformed.

What is a vibration that passes through a substance without permanently changing the substance?

A wave is a vibration that passes through a substance without permanently changing the substance. Waves transfer energy without displacing matter permanently. Examples include sound waves and light waves.

As light passes from one substance to another it is?

Its being Refracted.

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What measures of the amount of radiation that passes through a substance such as gas?

The two main measures of the amount of radiation that passes through a substance like gas are absorption and transmission. Absorption refers to the amount of radiation that is absorbed by the substance, while transmission refers to the amount of radiation that passes through the substance without being absorbed. These measures are important for understanding how different materials interact with radiation.