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The same forces that had been trying to slow it down while it still had fuel, but were being overcome by the reaction force of the fuel burning in the engine of the rocket. Nothing has changed other than the loss of this reaction force, no new forces appeared.

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When a rocket runs out of fuel, the two forces that slow it down are gravity and atmospheric drag. Gravity pulls the rocket back toward Earth, while atmospheric drag creates resistance against the rocket's movement through the atmosphere.

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Q: When a rocket runs out of fuel what two forces slow the rocket down?
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What is voyager 1 fuel?

Voyager 1 runs on a rocket fuel called hydrazine. This is for orientating the spacecraft . Propulsion is no longer required in the low gravity conditions of outer space. For the instruments on Voyager, a form of plutonium is used to produce the power.

Which progression do astronomers expect our sun to follow as it runs out of fuel?

When the sun runs out of fuel it is expected to turn into a red supergiant engulfing earth. Then it is supposed to shrink into a white dwarf.

What happens when a rocket ship accelerating in outer space runs out of fuel?

If a rocket ship running out of fuel in outer space is still accelerating, it will gradually slow down and eventually come to a stop. Without fuel to provide thrust, the rocket will continue to move in a straight line at a constant velocity due to inertia.

The death of a star occurs when its?

The death of a star occurs when its nuclear fusion processes can no longer sustain the outward pressure generated by the energy produced in its core. This can lead to the star collapsing under its own gravity, culminating in a supernova explosion or the formation of a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole depending on its mass.

What are the effects a flying car will have on the environment?

It depends entirely on its power source. If it runs on renewable electricity, or on hydrogen, or with a fuel cell using a renewable fuel, then it will do no damage to the environment.But if it runs on fossil fuel (oil or natural gas) then it will emit carbon dioxide pollution, add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, increase global warming and its follower, climate change.

Related questions

When a rocket runs on fuel what two forces slow it down?

It's mass and gravitational pull.

How does a rocket get ito space if it runs out of fuel?

It doesn't.

What happens when the first stage of the rocket runs out of fuel?

The first stage is jettisoned, to fall back to earth, as the fuel runs out.

What happens when the first stage of the multistage rocket runs out of fuel?

The first stage is jettisoned, to fall back to earth, as the fuel runs out.

Does a rocket fall back if it runs out of oxygen?

No. A rocket does not need to fire its engines to stay in orbit. It does, however need fuel and oxygen to perform any maneuvers, so a rocket that runs out of oxygen will be stranded in space.

How does a rocket achieve maximum flight?

A rocket (firework) achieves maximum height once the fuel plus upward thrust runs out. Then gravity takes over and the rocket falls back to the ground.

How high up do rockets fly?

A rocket can reach any altitude until it runs out of fuel, provided it has enough thrust

What is a stage rocket?

That's a rocket with two stages- when the first stage (or section) runs out of fuel, it separates from the top half (second stage) and falls away, leaving that second stage to fire up, and drive the rocket higher.

What is a stage two rocket?

That's a rocket with two stages- when the first stage (or section) runs out of fuel, it separates from the top half (second stage) and falls away, leaving that second stage to fire up, and drive the rocket higher.

What is excess fuel?

The liquid that runs down the side of your car when the tank is full.

When thrust is applied in space where no friction exists to slow down a rocket wouldn't the rocket have the ability to continue accelerating indefinitely until it runs out of gas?

No, a rocket's acceleration in space is limited by several factors such as the amount of fuel it carries and the thrust produced by its engines. Even in the absence of friction, the rocket's acceleration will eventually plateau as it reaches its maximum velocity determined by its thrust-to-mass ratio. Once the fuel runs out, the rocket will no longer be able to accelerate.

A rocket fired from its launching pad not only picks up speed but its acceleration also increases significantly as firing continues Why is this so?

As the rocket burns fuel, it decreases its mass, leading to a greater acceleration due to the conservation of momentum. Additionally, the force generated by the burning fuel remains constant, whereas the decreasing mass results in a higher acceleration. This phenomenon, known as the rocket equation, explains why acceleration increases significantly as the rocket fires.