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Q: When a plant is not strong enough to support its own weigh?
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Could you use a food scale to weigh concrete blocks?

No, not strong enough to weigh a 50 pound object.

How much would a slab of marble weigh 42inches x 46 inches x 30 inches?

According to the Amlink material weight calculator, a slab of marble of this size would weigh 4200 pounds. If using this for a countertop, make sure that the support is strong enough to distribute the weight properly.

Why would you weigh more on earth then moon?

The reason we weigh the amount we do is because the gravity is as strong as it is. However on the moon the gravity is not as strong, therefore we weigh less.

Are you allowed to ride a horse when its 6 months old?

no because its legs are not strong enough and if you do want to ride it you have to like weigh only 1 or 2 pounds and that is not possible

Will the mizuno wave rider13 offer enough support for a male 250lbs?

Yes, the shoes should offer support. They are designed for people who weigh up to 350 pounds (based on their site description), so they should be fine for you.

I am 4'11 and weigh 123 lbs will I make a good running back?

gain some muscle.. its all about speed at that weight, can be made easier if you are strong enough to break tackles

How much does Jehovah weigh?

they weigh any thing They are normal people with a strong religion.

How much does Jehovahs Witness weigh?

they weigh any thing They are normal people with a strong religion.

How can you add 0.10 grams of fertilizer to a plant?

You weigh out a tenth of a gram of fertilizer and put it in the soil where you have planted your plant. Try finding a kitchen scale to weigh it out. It also helps if you weigh it out in a coffee filter.

How much does wind weigh?

Nothing but it is incredibly strong

How light do you have to be a flyer for cheerleading?

It doesn't matter how much you weigh. It depends on if you have good balance and if you have strong enough bases. I know because I am a cheerleader and I have been a back spot base front spot and a flyer for cheerleading. You just need teamwork and strong cheerleaders!:)

How much does Robin Thhicke weigh?
