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When a person perspires, they are depending on the process of evaporation in the water cycle to keep cool. The heat from their body is used to evaporate the sweat, which helps regulate their body temperature.

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Q: When a person perspires which part of the water cycle is he or she directly depending on to keep cool?
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Which energy carrier directly supplies to Calvin cycle?

atp and nadph

Directly regulates the menstrual or uterine cycle?

The hormone responsible for directly regulating the menstrual or uterine cycle is estrogen. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and plays a key role in the development and maturation of the female reproductive system, as well as the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

What does the kreb cycle receive from glycolysis?

They are not directly linked but through an oxidation reaction .

What part of the water cycle directly involves an organism?

when an animals breathes out it releases co2 and water

What is a cycle diagram?

The communication cycle is the way in which a person communicates with another person. There are 6 stages to it which ensures a message is clearly given across to some one.

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No. Marijuana may affect the person using it but will not directly affect in anyway his/her partner during intercourse. This being said, it can cause a low sperm count and possibly an irregular menstrual cycle for the user so it would not be recommended when pregnant or wanting to become pregnant. Also, depending on the person it may or may not increase or decrease ones sex drive. This again depends on the person.

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The carbon cycle and the oxygen cycle depend directly on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds while releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This process is essential for maintaining the balance of carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere and ecosystem.

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ATP and nadph

Which energy carrier directly supplies to Calvin cycle?

atp and nadph

Directly regulates the menstrual or uterine cycle?

The hormone responsible for directly regulating the menstrual or uterine cycle is estrogen. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and plays a key role in the development and maturation of the female reproductive system, as well as the regulation of the menstrual cycle.