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Q: When a number in a measurement is converted from kilometers to meters dose the number get larger or smaller?
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Is kilometers smaller or larger than grams?

They aren't relevant units of measurement you boob.

What happens to the number in a measurement that is converted from kilometers to meter?

It ends up 1,000 times as large as it was when it started out.

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When going from larger to smaller units of measurement do you always divide?

No, never.

How is a unit of measure of area converted into a larger into a smaller unit?

you divide or multiply

What planet has a diameter that is larger than the diameter of Mars but smaller than the diameter of Neptune?

The planet with a diameter larger than Mars but smaller than Neptune is Uranus. Uranus has a diameter of approximately 50,724 kilometers, making it larger than Mars (6,779 kilometers) but smaller than Neptune (49,244 kilometers).

If you convert kilometers to meters do you have a larger number or a smaller number?

Larger as the kilometer is one thousand times a meter.

When converting from a larger unit of measurement to a smaller unit of measure you should?

Divide by the conversion factor to get the equivalent value in the smaller unit.

Is .375 wider than .0600?

Remember that the further your number is from zero, the smaller it is -- this means that once you go below 0.0, larger numbers will actually mean a smaller measurement, so 0.375 is a larger measurement than 0.0600 because it is closer to zero.

Is 5 kilometers or 50000 meters the largest measurement?

50 000 metres is a larger measurement than 5 km.50 000 m = 50 km.

It you convert kilometers to meters will it be a lager or small number?

Larger, since the meter is the smaller unit.