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RIGHT LOBE. Because sensory and motor, both types of fibers cross to apposite side of the brain, in the area behind central sulcus, called as post central gyrus you have sensory area there. In front of the central sulcus, you have a motor area, called pro central gyrus. ( Sensory nerves carry signals to words brain and motor nerves carry sensations away from brain.)

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The sensation of a mosquito bite on your left arm would activate the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe of your brain. This area processes sensory information related to touch, pressure, temperature, and pain from different parts of the body.

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Q: When a mosquito bites your left arm this will first activate the which lobe of your brain?
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Dog's allergic reaction to mosquito bites treated using Benadryl for swelling?

For a dog with allergies to mosquito/flea bites it is necessary to not just provide medication for the bites, but to use flea and mosquito preventative spray, so that they will not bite in the first place.

Why does a mosquito bite bruise?

When a mosquito bites you, it is doing so to take some of the blood from your body. If this process is stopped suddenly your blood can collect under the first layer of skin, causing a bruise.

How can you protect outside cats from mosquito bites?

To protect outside cats from mosquito bites, you can: Create a mosquito-free area by using mosquito repellents or citronella candles. Provide your cat with a well-ventilated shelter or outdoor bed where they can rest mosquito-free. Use cat-safe mosquito repellents or sprays on your cat's fur, but make sure it is safe for felines.

How is filariasis transmitted?

A mosquito first bites an infected individual then bites another uninfected individual, transferring some of the worm larvae to the new host.

What virus is the mosquito known as a possible vector?

Not all mosquitoes carry a virus. However, where a mosquito has already bitten someone and then goes on to bite another person, some types of virus can be passed from the first person to the second person by the mosquito. One virus that is certainly transmitted this way by mosquito bites is the Zika virus but there are also others and it should also be noted that Mosquitoes can also pass on other illnesses with their bites (like Malaria).

What's wrong when your Yorkie seems to itch and scratch all the time?

Itching and scratching by any dog and not just a Yorkie is caused either by fleas, mosquito bites, the mange, or dry unhealthy skin. All four conditions are treatable but first must be diagnosed. Mosquito bites can carry heartworms and shouldn't be taken lightly.

How do you make mosqito bites go away?

so first you need to gather up oil to fill your bathtub lay in it for 25 minutes or so this will help with the mosqitos syliva that's what makes it so itchy next you need to get a washable marker dot all your mosquito bites then leave the dots there for a hour this will help with the redness then wash off the final step:) :put some ketchup in a bowl put it on your mosquito bites this treatment will cure your bites in 4-5 hours hope this helps!

Does the female and male mosquito both bite?

w've first have to know which is male and which is female because all are bites

What came first the mosquito or the egg?

the mosquito

What type of mosquito bite treatment is recommended for individuals who are allergic to mosquito bites?

To reduce the severity of her bug bites, you should see about getting her put on a regular allergy medication. Claritin or Zyrtec are good ones. This should help her bites to be normal in size. To cope with the bites she already has, you could try a Benadryl cream or mixing a bit of lavender essential oil and either vegetable oil or water. Lavender is very good for reducing bug bites, and especially when coupled with an ice pack can really reduce the swelling. *Don't* put straight lavender essential oil on her skin! It is too harsh for that, and must be diluted first.

Who made the first mosquito repellent?

I made the mosquito

What time of the day do aedes mosquito bites?

aedes usually active late afternoon...just like anopheles they are very attracted to carbon dioxide so if you and your buddies are doing some labor outdoors even during early afteroon they will come for that heavy exhales or when you're breathing heavily. On the other hand culex are vicious biters and are out and about morning and day and worst at night. Always use permethrin base repellant or lotion.