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The word you're probably thinking of is extinct

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Q: When a life form dies and is no longer found alive anywhere on Earth?
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A animal or plant is one which did live on earth but can be no longer found alive today?


What is it called when an animal or plant did live on earth but can no longer be found alive today?

They are extinct

What do you call an animal or plant that once lived on earth and can no longer be found alive today?


A species that once lived on earth but is no longer found alive is called?

Extinct is when an animal or plant doesn't exist any longer on earth.

Where on earth can volcanoes be found?

anywhere where there is a crack that leads deeper into the earth

No longer found living on the earth?


Was mermaid every found?

No. They aren't real and never have been found anywhere on earth.

Which organism can no longer be found living on earth?


Can oil be found anywhere on earth?

no, i believe that there will be some places where specific resources cannot be found.

What is the different between extinction animals and living animals?

Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.Extinct animals are species that once existed but can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Dinosaurs are extinct as is the bird known as the Dodo. Living animals are still with us.

Is copper once alive?

No, copper is a metallic element and is not alive. It is a naturally occurring element found in the Earth's crust.

Where have Scientists discovered that life forms on Earth exist?

Life has been found just about anywhere on Earth.