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Q: When a fluorine atom forms the fluoride ion it has the same charge as the?
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How could a fluorine atom change into a fluorine ion?

A fluorine atom can change into a fluorine ion by gaining one electron to achieve a full valence shell. This extra electron gives the fluorine atom a negative charge, transforming it into a fluoride ion.

What elements make up hydrogen fluoride?

Fluoride is an ion consisting of a single atom of fluorine atom with a -1 charge. The fluoride in toothpaste and other dental products is sodium fluoride , consisting of sodium, and fluorine.

The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a?

The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a fluoride ion, which has a charge of -1. It is formed when a fluorine atom gains an electron to achieve a full outer electron shell.

Does fluoride form an ion with a charge of 1?

Fluorine forms a 1- ion because it has 7 electrons in its outer shell, this is not very stable. What is stable is a full outer shell of 8 electrons. So a fluorine atom will take an electron (which carries a 1- charge) from another atom to complete this so-called octet.

Chemical formula of a fluoride atom?

'Fluoride atom'. ???? The fluorine ATOM is 'F' The fluorine molecule is 'F2'. The Fluoride ION is 'F^-' NB When an atom becomes a charged species, it is no longer an atom , but an ION. The suffix '--ide' indicates it is an ion, not an atom. So 'Fluoride atom' is a nonsense. It is either 'Fluoride ion' or Fluorine atom'.

What is the difference between a Fluoride ion and a Fluorine atom?

A fluoride ion is a negatively charged ion that forms when a fluorine atom gains an electron. Fluorine is a highly reactive nonmetallic element found in group 17 of the periodic table. The fluoride ion is more stable and less reactive than a fluorine atom.

What happens to an atom of fluorine when it forms an ionic bond in which it has the same electron configuration as neon?

When fluorine forms an ionic bond to attain the same electron configuration as neon, it gains one electron to achieve a stable octet like neon. This results in the formation of a fluoride ion with a 1- charge. The fluoride ion then becomes attracted to other positively charged ions to form an ionic compound.

When fluorine atom gains an electron it forms?

When a fluorine atom gains an electron, it forms a fluoride ion with a negative charge because it now has one more electron than protons. This gives it a full outer electron shell, making it more stable.

Because the electrons in a molecule of hydrogen fluoride are more strongly pulled toward the fluorine atom is the molecule nonpolar?

No, despite the electronegativity difference between hydrogen and fluorine, hydrogen fluoride is a polar molecule due to the uneven distribution of electron density caused by the fluorine atom's higher electronegativity. This results in a partial negative charge on the fluorine atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom, making the molecule polar.

When a fluorine atom has seven electrons in its outer shell is it an ion with a plus or minus charge?

A fluorine atom that has seven electrons in its outer shell would be neutral. A negatively charged fluoride ion, Fl-, forms when a fluorine atom gains one electron so that it has an octet, or a noble gas configuration of electrons.

When fluorine reacts with a metal it forms an F-ion The fluorine atom has gained an electron and undergone?

When fluorine reacts with a metal, it gains an electron to form the fluoride ion (F-). This process is called reduction, as the fluorine atom is gaining electrons.

How many electrons does a neutral fluoride atom contain?

Fluorine is the name of the element and has 9 electrons. Fluoride is the name of the halide ion, carries a 1- charge and has 10 electrons.