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This is an experiment. it will change from liquid to solid.

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Q: When a cup of water at room temperature is put in a freezer the water's state of matter will change from?
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What affect does salt have on the boiling temperature of water?

it has an effect on waters matter making the temperture of the water to be contained

What is the name of drastic changes in ocean temperature that cause weather changes around the world?

The major seasonal cause of water temperature change is due to the change in solar isolation in addition to currents and local hydrodynamics. Some more specific causes of water temperature variation in coastal waters may include: changes in the amount of river flow, discharges of 'cooling' waters from power plants, and changes in air temperature due to global warming.

Does waters temperature exceed 100 degrees?

It can do.

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What else is 1 gram but not a paperclip?

The most common thing that would be a gram is a mL of water. That is, it is waters maximum density, temperature and purity will change that.

Why are upwelling in waters always cold?

Because water at the surface is always warmer than the water at depth. You get used to the temperature of the water surrounding you. When water surges up from the depth, you notice the change in temperature.

What layer of seawater that changes temperature rapidly?

The thermocline is the layer of seawater that changes temperature rapidly with depth. In this layer, the temperature decreases quickly as you move from the warmer surface waters to the colder deeper waters.

What are tropical waters?

Just a way of saying warm waters. Fish in these waters tend to be fussy about temperature and need a certain level maintained. Some are so temperamental that they will die if temperature drops or raises suddenly by a few degrees.

What is the formula to solve the density of water for change in temperature?

The formula to calculate the density of water for a change in temperature is: Density = Density at reference temperature / [1 - β (T - T_ref)], where β is the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of water, T is the temperature, and T_ref is the reference temperature.

What is the water temperature in Scotland?

The Waters of Scotland are about 9-14C

What temperature is the Antarctica waters?

The temperature of the South Ocean's waters can fall as low as 27 degrees F, based on the mineral content of the water, which prevents its freezing at 32 degrees F.

How does the change in water temperature effect the cod?

A change in water temperature can affect the distribution and migration patterns of cod. Warmer waters could push cod populations further north to cooler waters or deeper depths to maintain their preferred temperature range. Conversely, a decrease in water temperature could potentially expand the range of cod if conditions become more favorable in certain areas.