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The process is domestication.

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Q: When a certain type of plant or animal is changed by humans to become accustomed to human control this is know as?
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When a certain type of plant or animal is changed by humans to become accustomed to human control this is known as A.?


The process by which an animal becomes accustomed to its situation?

Desensitizing :D

Does animal control services offer eradication of woodchucks?

Yes, animal control services offer eradication of almost any kind of small to mid size animals, especially woodchucks. Call your local exterminator or animal control service to be certain.

What does domisticated mean?

It generally refers to an animal that is accustomed to living with humans, such as a cat or dog.

What does animal control do to animals?

The Animal Control Service make sure that pets are under proper control by their owners. They investigate reports and evaluate situations involving animal control. They can give out a 'notice of compliance' which includes a list of things that needs to be changed to allow an owner to keep their animal. They can take an owner to court for neglect or other issues.

Can you get a pet from animal control?

If you contact them right away, you have a chance of getting your pet back. Most animal control places hand domestic pets over to shelters right away because they don't have the place to keep them. If your animal isn't a domestic animal, chances are it's unsafe and they won't give it back to you unless their practices have changed over the years.

Can you find a wild animal and raise it?

You can - depending on the animal - but you shouldn't. Wild animals, excpecially older animals, are accustomed to living in the wild. If you find an injured animal, you should call your local wildlife canter and report it.

Why do you think napoleon isolates these animals in Animal Farm?

Napoleon isolates certain animals because he wants to be in control and have all the power. These animals are starting trouble and trying to make it so he has no control or power.

Is there an animal control department in Phoenix Arizona?

Yes, Phoenix does have an animal control department. It is the Maricopa County Animal Care & Control. It helps to control the animals in Arizona especially Phoenix.

What can be done if animal control does not respond to a vicious stray dog?

If you have contacted Animal Control but they have not responded, you can call the police and perhaps they can contact Animal Control for you, or tell the police that Animal Control hasn't come out to take care of the dog.

What is in breeding in animals?

Mass selection in animal breeding is when certain animals are chosen for certain desirable traits to pass on. Once those animals are obtained, they are bred to control what traits the offspring have and to create varying lines.

Animal Control?

form_title= Animal Control form_header= Adopt an animal through Animal Control. What type of animal would you like to adopt?*= _ [50] What is your desired age?*= _ [50] Do you want a male or female?*= () Male () Female () No Preference