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Q: When a cell uses fatty acids for aerobic respiration it first hydrolyzes fats to?
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Which step of aerobic respiration produces the most ATP?

The electron transport chain is the step of aerobic respiration that produces the most ATP. This process occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane and involves the transfer of electrons from NADH and FADH2 to oxygen, generating a large amount of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

Before fats can be metabolized in aerobic cellular respiration they must be converted to?

Fats must be converted to fatty acids and glycerol before they can be metabolized in aerobic cellular respiration. This breakdown process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell through a series of enzymatic reactions. Once converted, fatty acids can enter the mitochondria to undergo beta-oxidation and produce acetyl-CoA for the citric acid cycle.

A runner needs more energy for a longer race. How does the body generate the necessary ATP?

Goes from aerobic respiration of carbohydrate to anaerobic respiration of carbohydrate. In the case of marathon runners aerobic respiration of fatty acids will follow depletion of carbohydrate reserves (glycogen).

What is the function of cell hormones sensitive lipase?

Hydrolyzes triglycerides to provide fatty acids for other cells

Process that requires oxygen?

Aerobic respiration is a process that requires oxygen to produce energy in the form of ATP. This process occurs in the cells of living organisms, including animals and some types of bacteria. During aerobic respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to fuel the production of ATP.

What are major sources of hydrogen ions in the body?

Major sources of hydrogen ions in the body include the breakdown of glucose during cellular metabolism, anaerobic respiration leading to lactic acid production, and the dissociation of carbonic acid in the blood. Additionally, hydrogen ions can be produced during the breakdown of proteins and fats.

What is the enzyme that hydrolyzes neutral fats to their component monoglycerides and fatty acids?

The enzyme responsible for hydrolyzing neutral fats into monoglycerides and fatty acids is called lipase. Lipase is produced by the pancreas and is essential for the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine.

Besides glucose what other kinds of molecules can be used to produce ATP in cellular respiration?

Glycerol (from fatty acids) can be entered into Glycolysis at its 3Carbon stage

What is an example of catabolism?

The breakdown of glucose to produce energy in the form of ATP is an example of catabolism. This process involves the sequential breaking down of glucose molecules into simpler compounds through a series of enzymatic reactions, releasing energy in the process.

What process occurs in a cells mitochondria?

The Mitochondrion is the site where oxidative respiration takes place.The cells mitochondria metabolizes acetyl-coa, a substrate formed from the breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and some amino acids. The mitochondria are known as the "power house" of the cell, providing ATP, the cell's "energy currency." They do this via the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain.

Can cell respiration occur when you are fasting?

Yes, cell respiration can still occur when you are fasting. During fasting, the body primarily relies on stored energy sources like glycogen and fatty acids to produce ATP through cellular respiration. This process helps the body maintain essential functions even when food intake is restricted.

How many types of fatty acids are found in human body?

There are two main types of fatty acids found in the human body: saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids can be further classified into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.