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Q: When a cell finished cytokinesis is the DNA in the form of chromatin or chromosomes?
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What happens to the cell and chromosomes during telophase and cytokinesis?

During telophase, the cell membrane pinches inwards to separate the cell into two daughter cells, and the chromosomes decondense back into chromatin. Cytokinesis then completes the separation of the two daughter cells, each with a full set of chromosomes.

The last stage of mitosis?

The last stage of mitosis is telophase. During telophase, the daughter chromosomes arrive at opposite poles of the cell, the nuclear membrane reforms around each set of chromosomes, and the chromosomes begin to decondense back into chromatin. Ultimately, the cell undergoes cytokinesis, resulting in two daughter cells each with a complete set of chromosomes.

What happends during cytokinsis?

Cytokinesis is the last stage of mitosis (cell division) where the cell splits into two parts. The chromosomes condense into chromatin and a new nuclear membrane is formed on each new cell.

What is the relationship between chromatin and chromosomes?

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins in the nucleus of a cell, while chromosomes are condensed and visible structures of chromatin during cell division. Chromosomes are formed from condensed chromatin to allow for organized and efficient segregation of genetic material. Essentially, chromosomes are the condensed form of chromatin.

What is another name for the DNA material located within the nucleus of a cell?


What phase does the chromosomes become invisible?

Interphase also known when you have fun with yourself

What is the type of chromosomes in the cell nucleus?


Where is the chromosomes at in the cell?

Chromatin is inside a nuclei.

During cell reproduction the chromosomes condense from the that is normally found in the nucleus?

During cell reproduction, chromosomes condense from the chromatin that is normally found in the nucleus. Condensation helps the chromosomes become more manageable and facilitates their movement during processes such as mitosis and meiosis. After cell division is complete, the condensed chromosomes will decondense back into chromatin.

What does Chromatin condense of?

Chromatin condenses into chromosomes during cell division in order to facilitate the orderly segregation of genetic material into daughter cells. This condensation helps ensure that each daughter cell receives the correct complement of chromosomes.

What cell part contains chromatin?

Chromatin is contained within the nucleus of a cell. It is a complex of DNA and proteins that form chromosomes during cell division.

In what phase do haploid single chromatid chromosomes return to chromatin as two daughter cells that divide into four?

During telophase I, the chromosomes are enclosed in nuclei. The cell now undergoes a process called cytokinesis that divides the cytoplasm of the original cell into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell is haploid and has only one set of chromosomes or half the total number of chromosomes of the original cell.