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Q: When Pangaea formed the climate changed And the land on earth become drier . How was this climate change more favorable to reptiles than amphibians?
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How has the movement of plates affected the evolution of living things?

As Pangaea split into the 7 continets, the types of animals got separated with their homeland, so they changed their traits to survive in the new environment over time.

How does the motion of the tectonic plates affect the distribution of organisms?

New species can become isolated to specific regions, changing the environment they live in, which will change the traits they earn.

How could you explain why glacial deposits are found in areas where no glaciers exist today?

Pangea was a super continent and that was a time when all of the continents were joined together. when Pangaea broke apart, they moved to different locations which are different climate zones so glaciers no longer existed in places where the climate changed from cold to hot.

How did Alfred wegener's theory changed the world?

Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift revolutionized our understanding of Earth's geological history by proposing that continents were once part of a supercontinent called Pangaea and have since drifted apart. This idea laid the groundwork for the modern theory of plate tectonics and provided a unifying explanation for various geological phenomena. Wegener's work fundamentally changed the way we view the Earth's dynamic processes and continues to influence geology and earth science today.

Is changed or has changed?

Both "is changed" and "has changed" can be correct depending on the context. "Is changed" is typically used when referring to the current state of something, while "has changed" is used when talking about a change that occurred in the past with a connection to the present.

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What animals moved to land and changed into reptiles?

The reptiles ancestors

How did the break up of pangaea affect land organisms during the mesozoic era?

When Pangaea broke up, species had to adapt to changing environments. Those species that could adapt, changed along with their habitats. Those that could not adapt died off.

Which continent changed its position least since Pangaea?

Antarctica is the continent that changed its position the least since Pangaea. It has remained relatively close to its original location near the South Pole throughout geological time.

Where are frogs from?

Over 400,000,000 years ago, fish which were probably the most advanced life forms lived in the water. Until then, plants and insects occupied the land alone. Most all amphibians have features and characteristics of fish and reptiles. Some of the most common amphibians are frogs, toads, and salamanders. They have changed very little since they first began breathing on land, some of the earliest amphibians were ancestors of today's birds, reptiles, and mammals. The word amphibian comes from the Greek word, "amphi" meaning "both", and "bios" meaning "life". It is describing cold blooded animals that have backbones that can survive both on land and in fresh water. You can find amphibians living on land near ponds, lakes, swamps, and near riverbanks.

Do amphibians have a complete metamorphosis?

Yes they do, because they change from a larva to a subadult while their body is changed drastically, especially frogs. They are the only amphibians without a tail after metamorphosis.

What is an evolutionary change in reptiles?

Mainly size is what changed from prehistoric times to today.

Did the formation of pangaea caused the climate on earth to change?

since the location of certain places changed the weather there change to

How has earths appearance changed since pangaea?

Since Pangaea existed, Earth's appearance has changed due to the continuous movement of tectonic plates, which has led to the fragmentation of Pangaea into the continents we see today. This movement has created new mountain ranges, oceans, and land formations, shaping Earth's current landscape. Additionally, factors like erosion, glaciation, and volcanic activity have further altered the surface of the planet.

What was happening when Pangaea broke into the continents?

When Pangaea broke apart, the tectonic plates underneath the Earth's surface shifted, causing the supercontinent to split up into the continents we have today. This movement of the plates created new oceans and changed the arrangement of landmasses on Earth.

What was the climate like when the Pangaea formed?

When Pangaea formed around 335 million years ago during the late Paleozoic era, the climate was generally warm and humid, with vast tropical swamps and forests covering large portions of the supercontinent. Over time, as Pangaea drifted and the continents shifted, the climate gradually changed into separate climate zones.

How has earths appearance changed from the Pangaea?

Since Pangaea, Earth's appearance has changed drastically due to tectonic plate movements, which resulted in the breakup of the supercontinent. This breakup led to the formation of the continents as we know them today, with their current shapes and positions. Additionally, Earth's landforms, such as mountains and valleys, have been shaped by processes like erosion and volcanic activity over time.

What are the difficulties with positioning the current continents in Pangaea?

Difficulties in positioning the current continents in Pangaea include: Climate variations: Weather patterns and climatic conditions have changed significantly since Pangaea, making it hard to accurately reconstruct the exact positions. Geological shifts: Tectonic plate movements have altered the shape and position of continents, leading to uncertainties in accurately placing them in the Pangaea configuration. Limited data: The further back in time we go, the sparser and less precise the geological and paleontological evidence becomes, introducing uncertainties in reconstructing Pangaea.