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Q: When DNA is tightly wound it forms?
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What is it called when the nucleus of the cell are made of tightly wound stance of DNA?

When DNA is packed up tightly in dividing cells, it is referred to as a chromosome. The packing process is called DNA condensation.

Chromosomes are made up of structures called?

Chromosomes are made up of structures called DNA, which is tightly coiled around proteins called histones. DNA contains the genetic information that is passed onto offspring and is organized into genes that encode for specific traits or functions.

Are chromosome more condense than chromatin?

Yes, you can think of chromosomes tightly wound up DNA and chromatin as unwound DNA.

What is the name for strands of DNA wound around proteins?

The name for strands of DNA wound around proteins is chromatin. Chromatin is made up of DNA and proteins called histones, which help organize and condense the genetic material within the cell nucleus.

What is a chromosome and what is it made up of?

Cell. More specifically, in the nucleus of the cell.

Chromosomes is composed of DNA and proteins which are tightly compacted and condensed?

Yes, chromosomes are made up of DNA wrapped around histone proteins. This complex structure allows the genetic material to be tightly compacted and condensed, ensuring that it can be organized and efficiently segregated during cell division.

What is the main ingredient of a chromosome?

The main ingredient of a chromosome is DNA. DNA contains the genetic information that codes for all the traits and characteristics of an organism. Chromosomes are made up of tightly wound strands of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones.

Are chromosomes tightly packed DNA or loosely packed DNA?

Chromosomes are tightly packed DNA, consisting of long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. This compact structure helps to ensure that the DNA is able to fit inside the nucleus of a cell and is organized in a way that allows for efficient regulation and replication.

What are strands of DNA wound around?

DNA coils around proteins called histones.

A rod-shaped structure that forms when a single DNA molecule and its associated proteins coil tightly before cell division is called?


Is DNA made if chromosomes?

No. DNA is what chromosomes are made of. DNA is wound around proteins like thread on a spool, but since DNA is one long"string", the DNA is wound around many protein "spools", all of which are connected by DNA. This string of DNA/protein "thread on spools" is wound around itself, and wound around itself, and wound around itself a lot more, then (after a pretty intricate process) Wala! You have a chromosome.

What structure allows enormous lengths of DNA to be folded into the nucleus?

The nucleosome. The nucleosome consists of DNA wound tightly around a protein called histone. This winding is sort of like coiling up a rope, and allows DNA to be packaged into a smaller space than would otherwise be achieved.