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It means it's mass is very high and its volume is very low. A standard neutron star has a mass thousands of times greater than the sun, but a volume of a small city. This ridiculously high density and pressure also account for the high temperatures of neutron stars. PS. Quark stars are denser than neutron.

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The high density of a neutron star indicates that it has an extremely large mass packed into a very small volume. Neutron stars are typically around 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, but are only about 12 miles (20 kilometers) in diameter. This extreme mass-to-volume ratio is why they are considered the densest known objects in the universe.

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Q: When A neutron star is the densest substance in the universe What does it tell you about its mass and volume?
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How many ounces or in a gallon?

Ounces is a measure of mass, gallon is a measure of volume. So, the answer would depend on the density of the substance. For example, a gallon of a perfect vacuum has zero mass; a gallon of matter in a neutron star has a mass of millions of tons.Ounces is a measure of mass, gallon is a measure of volume. So, the answer would depend on the density of the substance. For example, a gallon of a perfect vacuum has zero mass; a gallon of matter in a neutron star has a mass of millions of tons.Ounces is a measure of mass, gallon is a measure of volume. So, the answer would depend on the density of the substance. For example, a gallon of a perfect vacuum has zero mass; a gallon of matter in a neutron star has a mass of millions of tons.Ounces is a measure of mass, gallon is a measure of volume. So, the answer would depend on the density of the substance. For example, a gallon of a perfect vacuum has zero mass; a gallon of matter in a neutron star has a mass of millions of tons.

Why is density a characteristic of a substance and volume and mass are not?

The volume and mass of a substance are independent of the substance itself, but depend upon how much there is of the substance The density of a substance is the relation between how much volume you have of a substance and how much mass that volume has (and vice-versa). It is independent of how much there is of the substance and is thus a characteristic of the substance.

Do volume in the universe change?

Yes. The Universe is expanding.

How do you define substance?

Substance is commonly understood as a physical matter that makes up the universe and everything within it, possessing mass and volume. In a more philosophical sense, substance refers to the essential nature or quality of something that makes it what it is.

Is the amount of a substance in a given volume the concentration of the substance?

Ye.. the concentration of a substance is measured as the amount of substance per unit volume. Accordingly, the amount of a substance in per unit volume is the concentration of the substance.

When you divide the mass of a substance by it volume you get what?

When we divide the mass of a substance by its volume we get its density.

What substance that is calculated by its mass by volume?

No substance is calculated that way. Mass per unit volume is called the density of a substance or object, which is a property or unit of measure of a substance.

When you divide the mass of a substance by its volume you get its what?

You get its density. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a specific volume of a substance.

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the universe

Why is Jupiter so heavy?

It has the most mass of any planet in the Solar System. It is not the densest, but it has by far the biggest volume.

What is a substance which has a volume of 1 ml?

Any substance can have a volume of 1cm3, depending on its size (referring to density). For example, 1g of water would have a volume of 1cm3, while 0.8g of ethanol would have the same volume.A substance which has a volume of 1 cm3 is a substance that has a volume of 1 ml. Many substances can have a volume of 1 ml.

How the density of a substance can be determined?

Measure the mass and volume of the substance, then divide the mass by the volume.