You mean constantinople, it is now Instubul and it's absolute location is 41degrees North and 29degrees East.
The absolute location of Czech Republic is approximately 49.8175° N latitude and 15.4730° E longitude.
Absolute Location is the specific location of a place with latitude and longitude.
The opposite of relative location is absolute location. Absolute location refers to the exact coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a place on the Earth's surface, providing a precise location independent of other reference points.
Absolute location is in michigan and exact in 48066 14 to 10 mile
The absolute location of Tijuana is approximately 32.5149° N latitude and 117.0382° W longitude.
The absolute location of Czech Republic is approximately 49.8175° N latitude and 15.4730° E longitude.
what is oklahomas absolute location
The absolute location is france
absolute location is expressed by longitude and latitude
The absolute location is the definitive location on the globe. The absolute location of South America is 13 degrees South, 59.4 degrees West.
whats the relative and absoulute location of Venezuela
The absolute location is the definitive location on the globe. The absolute location of South America is 13 degrees South, 59.4 degrees West.
the absolute location of Bangkok is 20degreesE and 17degreesS
what is the relative and absolute location of rome
what is the location (absolute and relative location) & place of jacksonville
The features on a map help you find absolute location by finding the absolute lOcation