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It is not known, as there are no consistent records of global tornado statistics.

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Q: What year had the most tornadoes recorded in the world?
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How frequently do tornadoes occur in the world?

It is not known. About 1,800 tornadoes are recorded worldwide in an average year, most of them in the U.S. but the actual number of tornadoes is probably several times higher. It is likely that thousands of tornadoes occurring in poor countries or remote areas are never recorded.

How many tornadoes happened in 1999?

Records for the whole world are not available. The U.S. had 1,339 recorded tornadoes that year.

Did tornadoes happen this year?

Yes. The U.S. has recorded over 1100 tornadoes so far in 2011. More tornadoes have occurred in other parts of the world.

How many tornadoes are there in the world in one year?

It is not known. In an average year there are about 1800 recored tornadoes worlwide, most of them in the United States. However, the actual number of tornadoes is certainly much higher. Most countries do not keep detailed records or conduct damage surveys, so most tornadoes, possibly a vast majority, are never recorded, especially in sparsely populated areas.

What is the second place on earth that gets the most tornadoes outside the US?

The second highest incidence of recorded tornadoes is in Canada, which averages about 100 tornadoes per year.

Were there any tornadoes in the year 2000?

Yes. There are tornadoes every year. In 2000 the United States had 1,075 recorded tornadoes.

How many tornadoes were there in Texas in the year 2000?

Texas had 147 recorded tornadoes in the year 2000.

How many tornadoes around the world?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of tornadoes around the world as tornadoes occur in various countries and regions with varying frequency. On average, the United States experiences the most tornadoes each year, typically over 1,000. Other countries that experience tornadoes include Canada, Argentina, Bangladesh, and Australia.

What year did Ohio record zero tornadoes?

There were no recorded tornadoes in Ohio in 1988.

Can tornadoes occur anytime of the year?

Yes. Tornadoes have been recorded on every of the year, though not every day of every year. However, they occur most often and are generally the strongest in the spring.

How many tornadoes does the US average a year?

The U.S. has 1,200 to 1,300 recorded tornadoes in an average year.

What is the most tornadoes Alabama ever had in one year?

The highest number of tornadoes Alabama has recorded in one years was 145. This record was set in 2011.