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Q: What wouldn't be considered a basic tissue type?
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What is the basic tissue type that contains a basement membrane?

psuedostratified epithelium

Why is Lysol basic?

Lysol is not considered a type of basic solution. It is considered a type of acidic solution due to being comprised of mostly hydrochloric acid.

Is the epithelial tissue considered a type of lining for the body areas?


Bone is an example of what type of tissue?

Bones, ligaments, and cartilage are all in the same group of tissue. Bones are considered a specialized form of connective tissue.

Which type of tissue makes up the outermost layer of the skin?

It is not classifeied as one. It is considered an epithelial tissue (protective).

What type of tissue is fat?

Fat is adipose tissue which is a connective tissue.

Is a skin graft considered tissue transplant?

Yes, a skin graft is considered a type of tissue transplant where skin tissue is taken from one part of the body and placed on another to promote healing in areas with extensive damage, such as burns or wounds.

Which of these type of tissues are not considered connective tissue adipose or epithelial?

Epithelial tissues are not considered connective tissues. Epithelial tissues form linings and coverings in the body, while connective tissues provide structural support and connect different tissues and organs. Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue that stores fat.

Is hematopoietic tissue connective tissue?

Yes, hematopoietic tissue is considered a type of connective tissue. It is responsible for the production of blood cells and is located in the bone marrow and lymphatic organs. Hematopoietic tissue provides structural support and a matrix for blood cell development.

Is a bone a cell?

Bone is a type of connective tissue which is considered a somatic cell. Basically everything except gametes is considered a body cell.

What is the basic unit of living tissue?

The basic unit of living tissue is the cell. Cells are the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, capable of performing all necessary functions for life, such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Cells can range in size, shape, and function depending on the type of tissue they make up.

Is blood connetive tissue?

No it's not, Ligaments, Tendons, and Cartilage are connective tissues.